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destiny weekly news 2

Writer's picture: Stack UpStack Up

Guardians! It is a wonderful week for us die hard Destiny fans. The engrams are finally out of the bag, well for the most part at least. Bungie has finalized the April content update on the expanding Destiny PvE universe. First things first though, let’s see what Xûr has in stock this week.

Xûr Inventory

Xûr this week has hidden himself not so well over by the speaker in the west tower. Xûr has apparently brought the same Titan helmet that he did last week. Seems like he forgot to switch that item while he was cleaning out his engram sack last Sunday. Other than that item, this week Xûr has brought us some older year one remakes and a year two weapon which promises to be quite the shocker.


For the Titan this week, it is the same helmet as last week the insurmountable Skullfort. So if you forgot to pick it up last week, this is your chance to fix that mistake. This helmet is skillfully designed around the Striker Titan subclass, but no matter what subclass you have selected, this helmet will give you an additional melee charge. Ultimately, I like this helmet for the Striker subclass since it gives you that option to select two abilities due to helmet giving your Titan transfusion for free.


Overall opinion: love this helmet for the PvE lifestyle for the Striker Titan. In the PvP side of the house, it can be nice as long as your melee cool down isn’t too long. Although you respawn with melee energy which is a nice perk, you may have to stack more strength to reduce your second melee cool down timer. If you are a Striker Titan forever, then you better have this helmet.


For the Hunters this week, Xûr has what looks to be a very futuristic style of green go-go boots. Boots with the green shields? They may look like a guardian’s favorite dancing item, but that’s maybe why they have the name they did. Of course, I’m talking about nothing other than the Radiant Dance Machines. These green boots are balanced for whatever Hunter subclass you prefer to play. Your guardian will be able to move more quickly while aiming, and the boots have a double down perk that can be selected to match your subclass preference.


Opinion: overall some pretty nifty boots, but ultimately not a huge game changer compared to the other exotics out there. If you are looking for an exotic boot for a Hunter that makes a difference, you should keep your eye open for the Bones of Eao.


The PvE Voidwalker Warlocks should be ecstatic about Xûr’s inventory this week. It’s a helmet I have previously raved about. The helmet I am extremely happy with is the Obsidian Mind. If you love tossing nova bombs everywhere giving all your enemies a nova bomb, this helmet is for you. With its primary ability named Insatiable, it allows the Voidwalker to reduce the cool down of their next nova bomb by killing enemies with a nova bomb. So aim your nova bombs at a massing of enemies and get prepared to see your super bar refill quite furiously!


Opinion: }Voidwalker”¦.must have in your inventory. PvE is a must have, but PVP wise keep this unequipped.


The weapon this week is the only primary weapon with an elemental ability. The Zhalo Supercell is an auto rifle that packs a shocking surprise to the enemies it hits. This gun’s perks allow an arc damage to chain to nearby enemies and, when you kill two enemies in a row, it regenerates ammo directly into the clip. If you chain this weapon right, you may never even have to reload. As this weapon is currently the only year two primary weapon that has an elemental ability, it speaks for itself when you look into Xûr’s inventory. If you have the strange coins buy it! Guardian, you won’t regret it.


Weekly news update

This is the week we have all been waiting for; the door has opened to reveal the light we have been looking for the last several months. The universe of Destiny is expanding slightly on the PvE side of the house, so use this time to stock up and get ready for the 2.2.0 update deploying to consoles on April 12th. This update will be released to all Guardians who own The Taken King free of cost. Several features they decided to let us peek into very slightly were just a small list of upcoming changes. These small glimpses are just statements of new PvE challenges, gear updates, light level increase, a new strike, updates to PvP side of the house, and more”¦”¦. The “and more” makes me extremely curious to see what else Bungie’s development team has hidden behind the Twitch curtain. For that info, we are going to have to get updates via Bungie’s Twitch channel over the next three weeks. The streams are going to give all of us Guardians an insight into what new activities we can take on, what gear we can receive, and what changes are coming to the PvP side of the house. Set reminders on your calendar for March 23rd, 30th, and April 6th at 11 a.m. PST for more indepth information about the upcoming universe expansion! Inside this weekly update that Bungie posted was a very intriguing image of three Guardians posing with what looks like a taken shader on PoE (Prison of Elders) armor. Does this mean we can update old armor?  Currently, you will have to tune in with me to Bungie’s Twitch news to decipher what they broadcast.

Other cool news they released was info coming to about clans. Clans throughout the gaming verse can form very strong bonds between players. Other games that have these options usually have ways to track the skill levels of their clan members. Bungie has now enabled this feature to help track which players are better than their clan mates. This will help clans see who their all star’s are and who may need assistance. As with the 2.2.0 update, this will not be available until April 12th.

For now, we as a community can only speculate on what the new content consists of other than just a new strike. I know I have a couple ideas floating around in my mind, but we will get a peak next Wednesday to see what’s in our future.


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