Today, I had the pleasure of stopping by Devolver Digital and spending some time with the lovely people there; multiple ones who took time out of their day to stop and talk to me while answering questions about the games the games they are putting out and were demoing.
What I liked most about those that I met was that they were all happy to be there and were laughing and joking with each other. I spent the most time with Jayhem, who is the Executive Director of Counter Intelligence Operations.
The thing I liked about Jayhem was that not only could he talk about every game Devolver had there; he seemed excited to do so, even with someone like me, who knew next to nothing about any of them.
We talked about Strafe, which was rated the Best Game of 1996. This one reminded of Doom and was compared to that or quake by two of the team that I spoke with.
Next up was Ohklos, which I honestly found to be super fascinating, despite my desperate attempts to hide my fangirling, which anything Greek mythology related will make flare. In this game, you are a Greek philosopher who has become fed up with the Gods and so you set out in an attempt to destroy them. The goal is to accomplish this by collecting a mob that grows in strength every time you smash or destroy something and let’s be honest; who doesn’t like smashing and destroying? You can even collect heroes from popular culture or Greek mythology. Sadly, I didn’t have the time to play this one, but Ohklos is something that I will be on the lookout for.
Mother Russia Bleeds was the next game Jayhem showed me. This one, he personally got on to show me gameplay as no one else was playing at that precise moment. The basis of this game was that it was a brawler-style that involved people being kidnapped and experimented on. It was super bloody and gory and reminded me of Double Dragon, which I have fond memories of from playing it with my father. This is also the point at which I got my favorite quote from Jayhem.
”Why won’t your head smash?”
I did laugh at this point, but I managed to hold back the tears; didn’t want to mess up my make-up after all.
After Mother Russia Bleeds, which was aptly named for sure, was Broforce on the Arcade that they had set up. Apparently, everyone in the world knows about Broforce except for me, of course. This is basically a two or four player co-op in which your goal is to save America by destroying absolutely EVERYTHING, save for the American Flag.
I’ve mentioned before that I am absolutely shallow when it comes to graphics and all along the tour, another game kept catching my attention and dragging it away from the others; despite my best attempts at not letting it do so. This was Shadow Warriors 2 and I was so unsuccessful that I spent half the time watching gameplay from the demo. Due to this failure, I will not be mentioning much about the game in this particular instance and you will have to wait a few days for my take on it.