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finding translation military terms mean employers

Writer: Stack UpStack Up


I have deployed three times. I am an 0351/0933/0931/7257/7252. I’ve been to schools such as SOI/ITB/CMC/CMT/ATC as well as many others. However what do those terms mean to you? Let’s find out why they could be valuable to you. My name is Joshua Fulmer, and I am a Veteran of the United State Marine Corps. As a Marine I will write this from my branch’s standpoint, but keep in mind everyone’s experience is different and the branches have different training.

Just as last time, there are a few categories of people that I expect to read this content:

Business Owners / Hiring Managers: This article is designed to help you find value in employees who might not understand the technical language that could land them the job you have posted. It also is primarily directed at giving you insight as to how valuable these employees can be.

“Average” Job Seekers: Maybe you’ll find some inspiration or ideas for ways to better phrase the experience you have. You can always find something to learn from everything you read, so give it a chance. If nothing else, you’ll have learned a little bit about your competition!

Transitioning Military Members: Although this is primary written for your potential employers, I hope to see a few of you on here. These are the steps you need to transition that TAPS might not have told you about to finding better ways of describing the skills you have attained.

“I Attended Bootcamp and SOI” Although it is an extremely elementary example, it isn’t uncommon to see terms like this on your potential employee’s resume. My job today is to help in the attempt of making you understand how much that really means. We’re going to take a journey and look at what all goes in to that simple sentence. Before I continue on, I do want to make something clear: just because the Veteran might not know how to word their skills into a technical language doesn’t mean they don’t have them. The first thing we see in most of the cases is the general Character of the young man or woman. They’re joining the military in a time of conflict and choosing to do something they believe is right; even though it might be dangerous. Most often, they’ve just graduated high-school and want to get going in their life; there is the Motivation that is desired in so many workplaces. From the moment they step foot onto the legendary Yellow Footprints, they are taught discipline and moving with a purpose. Not even touching base on the countless courses these people go through, you’re already gaining traits you can’t always instill in the employees you’re finding elsewhere. Then they go further in their schooling. I personally went to Infantry Training Battalion / Assault School. What does that mean for you? Discipline, Tact, Adaptivity, and Endurance were drilled into me. Most military members go through other technical schools such as:

”¢ Communications ”¢ Avionics ”¢ Motor Transportation ”¢ Digital Media ”¢ Security Forces Instead of having to send a newly hired employee to a similar civilian school, you could potentially have a Veteran who already has all the knowledge, schooling, and experience. Here is just a quick thought to throw in the middle of all of this: many service members hold a security clearance, so all you’d have to do is activate it. How’s that for savings on new hires?


“I went to Iraq / Afghanistan” This in itself is an amazing addition to your company. A stigma has developed around the idea of combat veterans in the workplace. Maybe you’ve heard they can’t handle their emotions, or they cause problems. I’m here to tell you that is absolutely incorrect. The men and women who have served in theater can be the most adaptable, forward thinking, flexible, and strong employees you will have in your company. They learn how to make missions succeed; that means your projects will become top priority for them. The only time there might be any dispute with another employee in regards to their service is if someone approaches them with inappropriate questions which should be handled within your HR department. Even if that does happen, most Veterans will have a civilized conversation about the problem or will walk away from the situation. If your potential hire has deployed, they have learned the true meaning of responsibility. They have found a meaning and a Drive that you might not find in a college graduate.


They’re out there, looking for a Job It’s our job to help them find the one that is right for them. This article really came to mind for me when I kept seeing “degree required” on jobs that weren’t in a technical field. If the goal is to find someone who has dedicated 4 or more years of their life to accomplish something, look no further then our Veterans. Quick list of acronyms: ”¢ SOI : School of Infantry ”¢ ITB : Infantry Training Battalion ”¢ ATC : Air Traffic Control ”¢ CMC : Combat Marksmen Coach ”¢ CMT : Combat Marksmen Trainer ”¢ If you want to learn more terms. Thank you for taking the time to read this article, please let me know if you have any thoughts!

Editors notes: (This article was originally posted on the author’s LinkedIn blog.  However, we feel it is relevant to many of our Stack-up supporters.  Understanding and knowledge are what help our vets reintegrate into civilian society as well as educate civilians on military life. Please let us know if you find this type of article informative and would like to see more. Thank you)


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