We're coming in with a bunch of neat updates regarding our PC Vetrofit Crates programs. To begin with, we announced via social media that we've partnered up with StinceBuilt to build our PC Vetrofits. Well, now we have a partner page with StinceBuilt so that anyone looking to buy a Stack Up logoed PC and support Stack Up can do so! Now onto our PC Vetrofit Crate recipient, Aaron. Aaron's wife Mumtahanah requested the crate for her husband and shared the following information:

My fiancé has had it ruff his whole life honestly. He grew up with an abusive mom who went from place to place with numerous men while dragging him along. In the end he was homeless for multiple years in his youth, before his dad got custody of him. Although after everything he still helped out a lot of people without ever thinking of himself always volunteering it was actually how we met. He was a great student and still is. He had to join the military right out of high school to help him pay for school. While he was in for over 5+ years he developed bad lungs(best way to describe it). He basically was exposed to asbestos in large quantities, and got pneumonia multiple times but was left untreated because of the time frame the military gave him. All of that now leads him to a higher risk of lung cancer later on in life, and he is getting Med boarded later this year because of his bad lung capacity he now has. He is currently a junior in college and on his way to Med school, but he’s honestly always tried saving up for a pc for himself but either medicine that we have to pay for other other stuff also gets in the way. I know other people probably have amazing war stories and such, and I know this isn’t some glamorous story but it would really mean a lot to see my man have something he has always dreamed about but was always out of reach.
Aaron sounds like a great guy who deserves a little pick-me-up. We're not worried about glamor when we ask people to tell us why they're nominating themselves or someone else; we're looking for need. We want to know why a Supply Crate could help someone. Sounds like Aaron is definitely deserving.
Hi Dave!
It’s Mumtahanah!
We’ve received the PC! It is so beautiful, and Aaron loved it!
Get gaming, Aaron.

RonnieFit and his community continue to put in the work to support our Veterans through the Vetrofit program. We can never thank them enough. We're gearing up for the Fall Call to Arms season. If you're ready to answer the call and potentially sponsor a PC Vetrofit Crate, get started by hitting the button below and signing up.