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Today's PC Vetrofit Crate update comes from recipient Joshua. Joshua is a Marine Veteran who uses PC Gaming to relax but had trouble funding a new gaming rig. Read his request below:

My name is Joshua, I was a 2111 small arms repair technician. I'm from a small town in Taylor Texas. I've always been a pc gamer, but could never afford the top of the line rig. But I made do with what I had. I bought a pc before getting stationed in Japan. That computer is now on its last leg. With a wife a 7m old baby girl and 2 dogs it's hard to prioritize getting a new computer over anything else. Playing on the computer (mmos, rts, fps) is how I relieve stress at the end of the day. I'm 100% disabled so there isn't much I can do to relieve myself from the day to day tasks
We couldn't let Joshua continue to limp through gaming on an old rig, and so we put together a PC Vetrofit Crate just for him. Hopefully, he gets plenty of relaxation time with it. Once Joshua received his crate, he sent us all of the great photos in this article and the following message:

Thanks again!
Game on all day, every day, Joshua.
A_tiny_fox sponsored this crate and we thank her for being part of it. You can find her Twitch channel here.
That big red button below is tempting, isn't it? You should press it and learn more about how you can help Stack Up meet our mission of helping Veterans and Active Military units through the power of gaming.