Conventions are a great time to meet friends both old and new. It is always a pleasure seeing a familiar face in the midst of the crowds and even more refreshing when strangers become those same familiar faces.
This past TwitchCon was no exception as we at Stack-Up met and chatted with so many of the great folks in attendance. What we did not know however is that one of these new friends would lead to an exciting challenge.
None other than Rampage Jackson was spotted outside the convention hall and after some photos, he invited us to challenge him for some UFC2 during an event he was hosting at the local Dave and Buster’s.
Our own event coordinator, Andy Toppin, took up the gauntlet and stepped up to face this digital challenge! You can check out all the amazing action and the stunning outcome of this match in the video below!
We want to thank Rampage Jackson and all the people involved for the amazing time. It is events like this and the people behind them that make conventions like TwitchCon so special.