Welcome to yet another monthly Redshirt Roundtable. If you're new here, this is where we ask our community questions related to gaming and other topics to get to know some of our community members!
April's Redshirt Roundtable topics were suggested by Stack Up Redshirt Puzzle (They/Them). Puzzle has been a longtime member of our community who is very active across game nights and generally within the community. We're glad they're here.
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
What would you do while visiting?
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
It reminds me of Earth, but there is free travel to exotic locales. You could be a world traveler on copper a day.
What would you do while visiting?
Hunting, fishing, learning about the other cultures and eating great food. All while not trying to get involved in one of the many wars going on throughout.
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Have scores to settle
What would you do while visiting?
Snipe from the top of the pool
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Fallout 3's DC Mall, Star Citizen's GrimHEX, Any Call of Duty zombie map.
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Fallout 3's because the ability to visit some national monuments in a ruined state would be such an amazing experience so long as I got to go home to normal life after, lol. Star Citizen's because that Station is out of jurisdiction and basically a lawless place with quite a selection of things to buy, plus I could hop in a ship and fly around to get some amazing views. Lastly, the COD zombie map because, well, I really want to drink the perk drinks lol who wouldn't want some juggernog and be stronger? Lol also, being able to toss a weapon in a pack a punch machine would be an amazing thing.
What would you do while visiting?
In Fallout, I would be touring the museums and monuments and find a way to get into the oval office and sit down at the president's desk. In Star Citizen, I would be touring the merchants to see what all I could buy "armors, meds, food, and weapons," then hop on a ship to get some awesome viewpoints that I would remember for a lifetime. Finally, in COD zombies, I would drink every perk drink, hit the mystery box a few times, then pack a punch an LMG so I could hold down the trigger as long as possible without reloading, lol.
Landon | BaldEagleTalon
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
1. BurgerTown (COD)
2. DurrrBurger (Fortnite)
3. Krusty Krab (whatever Spongebob game has it)
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
I just think I want what I can't have. The food in video games / TV looks real tasty to me. Like BurgerTown was the place to go for Infected on MW2. Well, what does this menu I'm staring at taste like? Taking Chug Jug in Fortnite... What does it taste like? I think everyone wants to know what a Krabby Patty tastes like.
What would you do while visiting?
Take Ws. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Jesse (DullJoker) | Twitch
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
New Orleans, Los Angeles, and London
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Both due to my interests in the cities/areas and because I've played video games that take place in those cities.
What would you do while visiting?
Sightseeing, visiting pubs/bars, dining, and visiting landmarks
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
1. Space. 2. Ashenvale, from WoW. 3. Aperture Labs, or really anywhere in the Half-Life/Portal universe.
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Space has just always felt like a home that I miss. It's why I have a tattoo with the Welsh word "hiraeth." Ashenvale is so gorgeous, and it's also right near Darkshore, Felwood, and Moonglade, which I would try to hit up while I was there, at least. I'm really just SUCH a Valve fangirl, and that universe has such compelling stories and environments I don't think I'd be able to resist it.
What would you do while visiting?
In Ashenvale, I think I would just do a lot of walking, swimming, and talking with people. I'd probably also try to make short trips to other locations while I was there. At Aperture, I would basically just try to explore as much as I could without getting killed (accidentally or maliciously) and see how much I could find from the records about the science and business info behind Aperture and/or Black Mesa. And for sure, I'd want to read Gordon Freeman's dissertation!

Puzzle | Twitch
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Los Santos (GTA V), Erewhon (Ghost Recon Breakpoint), Anywhere in Sea of Thieves
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Los Santos- Lots of “dream” vehicles and houses Erewhan - the scenery and the security Islands in Sea of Thieves- The waterfalls and, of course, buried treasure as not every island has a waterfall.
What would you do while visiting?
Los Santos- take the vehicles for test drives, then go enjoy the views of the city from a high-rise apartment. Erewhan- go off the grid and just chill in a safe and secure environment and take in the scenery. Sea of thieves islands- stand under the waterfalls and look for buried treasures as well as enjoy my time sailing the open seas.
Coy the Viking.
What are 1-3 locations in a game(s) you would like to visit?
Floating mountains.
Why would you like to visit your chosen location(s)?
Because they're floating.
What would you do while visiting?
Base jumping. And hoping I don't wind up like Steve.