Welcome to yet another Redshirt Roundtable. Today's edition is special because April 18th through April 24th is National Volunteer Week. Stack Up as a charity organization relies on the passion of our volunteers to complete our mission of helping Veterans and Active-Duty through the power of gaming.
As such, we are celebrating and centering our volunteers and volunteer programs this week. Keep an eye on our socials to learn more about how you can get involved and about all the great things our volunteers are doing.
For our #NationalVolunteerWeek Redshirt Roundtable, we asked our volunteers the following questions:
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
What is something you like about volunteering?
Whiskey Plays
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
I'm with the Content Creators, doing video content. (Stack Up Sundays.)
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
A friend of Shanghai got me in touch with Stack Up.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I'm a vet who has lost multiple friends from PTSD. I'm active, which can help with PTSD but understand that isn't always an option. Stack Up is a way to help spread PTSD awareness to a demographic (gamers) that may not be aware of it. I am ALWAYS a supporter of vets helping vets.
What is something you like about volunteering?
The interaction with the amazing people of Stack Up.
Fernando Da Costa: Nintendo Switch Friend Code - SW-2513-0520-6632
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
I made a public inquiry for possible sites to write for. Roberto commented and directed me here.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I believe in what StackUp is trying to combat. While I’m a civilian, I, too, suffer mental health issues. It won’t be to the same degree as our veterans, but it’s still debilitating. Fighting veteran suicide, depression, and anxiety through the power of escapism and gaming is something I’m passionate about. As for writing, I’ve been doing it for around a decade. It’s stressful, but a lot of fun and gives me a sense of accomplishment.
What is something you like about volunteering?
Meeting new people and cultivating relationships with those I write with.

Jeremy Dangertharp
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
STOP, Veteran's Stream Team, Writing.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Found them online after OSD...changed.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I owe a lot to Stack Up, the biggest would be they hooked my best friend up with a PC so he can play with us again, so I'm just trying to give back as much as I can.
What is something you like about volunteering?
The common purpose of it all. Regardless of which part I'm working with, we all have a shared purpose in what we are doing.
Just a Grunt [StOP]
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
Overwatch. [StOP]
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
I was a Vetrofit recipient.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I've always wanted to help others.
What is something you like about volunteering?
That people are genuinely surprised that I want nothing in return.

Roughrider (also ES around Discord)
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
StackUp Overwatch Program.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
My son learned about it from a BeckBroJack video and thought I would be interested in joining up.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I wasn't a streamer at the time, and I didn't get regular time to game, so I felt like it would be hard to really get into the community through those things. Also, when I went to the site to learn about it, I ended up mostly reading about the crisis intervention side of StackUp, and that felt like the central part of the program to me, honestly.
What is something you like about volunteering?
I find it rejuvenating.
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Search on the internet for veteran peer groups and resources.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I was so tired of hearing of battle buddies taking their own lives and seemingly few people stepping up to do something about it.
What is something you like about volunteering?
Serving the community.
Robert "ZiplockBob" Bagby
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Honestly, I think I found out about it when looking up videogame charities with a vet focus, and this was the only one that seemed to have an actual community vs. they do stuff but don't really have anyone to get in contact with.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
With Stack Up in general, originally, it was a whim. From there, it evolved into something to where the more I put into it, the more it gave back to me.
What is something you like about volunteering?
The feeling of actually making a difference in the micro-scale. Like the big stuff is taken care of by various teams, and that allows me to focus on my area, making sure my guys are ok, that they are taking care of themselves, and in turn, they ironically probably take care of me more than I am willing to admit. I have gained that sense of "camaraderie" or family that I missed from my time in the military.

The DiZeeZ'D
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
I asked Stephen how to get involved.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
Lately, I've been interested in event production. Helping people is always a positive thing.
What is something you like about volunteering?
It shows people that you're willing to put in time and effort for nothing monetary in exchange.
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
The Stacks and working towards StOP.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Seeing Stack Up doing a Bungie Bounty back in the day.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I was ex-Active Navy and had recently moved into the Navy Reserve and back at University. It was something that I could see benefiting our New Zealand service people.
What is something you like about volunteering?
I like that Stack Up is about community; is transparent with anyone able to attend the weekly meetings; and that they understand we know our situation on the ground where we are best so support us in doing our ideas; but most of all that so much of what Stack Up collects goes directly back into the Veteran and Serving community.
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
The Stacks and Stack Up Stream Team.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Applied via stackup.org October of 2020.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I wanted to bridge my passions of serving in the air force and gaming. I want Stack Up to become a big popular organization in the air force.
What is something you like about volunteering?
Helping and connecting with others. The feeling that I'm a part of something bigger than myself.
Alan /Manshoon
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
Local Stacks.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
Several ways. A friend did a Stackup Donation Stream. Several streamers turned me on and then visited the website and read about the org.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I love the idea behind the mission. As a gamer, this speaks to me. As a person who has worked with vets in crisis, it helps give me a way to talk to them.
What is something you like about volunteering?
It makes me feel like I have given something back to my community.
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
Holloman AFB [Stacks].
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
As an alternate stack lead after learning about the org via the CFC.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
My stack lead and I started talking to the staff, and we fell in love with the people and the mission.
What is something you like about volunteering?
I love making a difference in my community. Now the opportunity to talk to folks about Stack Up and veterans' mental health while making a difference. We have found many generous partners in the community that love coming out to events and assisting us in our missions.

Daniel / Mr_Chainsaww
Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
The Stacks program and the Overwatch program.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
I learned about Stack Up while running a Combined Federal Campaign for my squadron. I was looking for a charity to donate to and came across Stack Up and was interested in supporting their mission.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I volunteered with the Stacks program because there were no Stacks in my state. The area I was stationed at the time was somewhat remote, and I felt the program would provide a positive outlet for our local military and veteran communities. I choose to additionally volunteer with the Overwatch program to help provide assistance to those who need it. Having had people in the community I work in and at every base I have been stationed at contributing to the 22 a day, I felt compelled to help in any way I can to help curb those numbers.
What is something you like about volunteering?
Getting out and meeting new people who didn't know about Stack Up. Most people are as surprised as I was that an organization like this exists. I am happy to help grow the community through our interactions locally and online.

Which Stack Up program(s) do you volunteer with?
The Stacks.
How did you come to be part of Stack Up?
I can't remember exactly.
What made you want to volunteer with Stack Up, and why the program you volunteer with?
I felt it was a worthwhile organization, and I enjoy the community.
What is something you like about volunteering?
Feels good to give of my time.
Thank you to all of the Stack Up volunteers that participated. We had 14 responses across multiple programs, our biggest Redshirt Roundtable yet!