December was a pretty great month for Stack Up as we closed out 2022. You all raised a total of $801,366.58 when the final tally of streaming fundraisers was made at the end of the year. With that in mind, we want to say thank you. Thank you for answering the Call to Arms, whether you fundraised, volunteered for Stack Up, or made yourself a brilliant part of our community.
Now that 2022 is over, we asked our community to sum up 2021 and tell us about their New Years' plans and goals. Here are the questions we asked:
How would you sum up your 2021?
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?

Jason Buffington | Discord: jasonbuff#7453
How would you sum up your 2021?
2021 was an interesting year. VA increased my disability, but the issue has drastically cut down my ability to work. I have been moved to a desk job resulting in a decrease in income but still managed to buy my first home for my family.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
With my wife and children drinking hot cocoa and eating tacos.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
Get better at 3d printing and continue to print stuff for local Vets as I can afford to and help other Vets get into the hobby as I feel it has helped me tune out the everyday stress and pain I am in. I would like to set a goal of giving at least two local Vets a printer of their own this year.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
I am taking on some price work to generate the funds to support my hobby and goals of giving back to the community.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Just being there is a big help, maybe making a local region area in the discord, so it is easier to find Vets with the same interest in your area.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Brother and sisterhood are as important as family as we all do not have family per see, but if you served, you just have to remember you're part of the biggest and best family there is. I will always have my home open or lend my ear to my brothers and sisters that have served.

JonsAtWar | Twitch
How would you sum up your 2021?
It was way better than 2020. Life is starting to return to normal. I had a great time being able to get out and socialize with people again.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
With family and/or possibly streaming.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I want to raise $10k for charity in 2022.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Hype up my community, and make sure that assets, milestones, and incentives are planned far ahead.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Check-in on one another, and try to make friends in Discord.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
To a new year with one of the best organizations ever!

Jesse (DullJoker) | Twitch
How would you sum up your 2021?
Not ideal.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Gonna drink, play games, and chill with my brother and a couple of buddies.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
Finish my current study and get accepted into the Creative Media and Game Technologies I want to follow.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
I keep working on my portfolio game, which is quite crucial to get accepted in.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
By keeping on the awesome work, stay positive, and have fun playing video games.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Have fun and stay awesome.
How would you sum up your 2021?
I had a lot of physical therapy, so I have improved a lot since then.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
My wife's accomplishments at her job.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I would like to continue learning how to play keyboard and mouse, and I want to get back in shape.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
I do everything one day at a time.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
I think it would be cool to have military branch-style tournaments.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
You guys are awesome.
How would you sum up your 2021?
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Relaxing, sitting back with family, and watching the ball drop on TV.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
Improving my communication skills.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Practice with others.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Be more involved with Redshirt roundtables and general discussions.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Use common sense to keep from being "that person."

Unoraptormon | Twitch
How would you sum up your 2021?
I slowly started accumulating more wins than loses throughout the year, so "climbing up a mountain toward the grand success."
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Streaming on Twitch with my husband.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
Year of Choices, so getting better at making decisions for my business and my life in general.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Set deadlines for my goals, along with rewards and punishments.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
At the moment, just reassuring one another that this isn't the end of the world.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
We begin another year, so let's make the most out of it!
Darin | Gamertag: Drunk Mosquitos
How would you sum up your 2021?
8 out of 10. Had a high school-aged relative move in with me a little over a year ago. It has had some downsides, but mostly good.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
With family at home. Newest member doesn't like fireworks, so it will be low-key.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I recently got into throwing axes. I want to learn how to throw knives and cards well, too.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
I recently got into throwing axes. I want to learn how to throw knives and cards well, too.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Start a goal with someone else. It didn't have to be the same goal, but something that people can talk about with each other and ensure that they are working on the goal daily. I may set aside 10 minutes a day to practice throwing, and I can check in with a friend who wants to eat more veggies and say I threw some axes, go eat a carrot.
Jasper Octavian Aurelius | Discord: Moxxie_0-1#2525
How would you sum up your 2021?
Honestly, one of the hardest and difficult periods of my life.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Surrounded by family and friends because I’m thankful for another year I’ve got to spend with them.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I’m really wanting to raise money for charity, especially surrounding mental health support and PTSD awareness. Would also like to fundraise for a charity more focused on Veterans and Private Contractors who need support or are in need of care.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Ask charities if I could help fundraise either by streaming and getting links to that charity to post on socials. To share it as much as possible and explain why I’m doing it, and to hopefully raise awareness and help those along the way regardless of how it turns out.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Communication! Even if we need help, we might not come out and say it. It’s a great community, and I think it’s going pretty well so far. Just be sure to check in with your battle buddies from time to time.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Thank you all so much for the support and care I’ve received since joining. My situation was starting to look hopeless, but I have a place I know I can go if I need help. It’s the biggest stepping stone to my recovery and a valuable asset.

Landon | BaldEagleTalon
How would you sum up your 2021?
2021 was a breath of fresh air. 2020 was.... 2020. It would have been impressive if 2021 was worse than that. We made it through, and that's something to be proud of. Plus, I joined the Stream Team in March, so 2021 was certainly elite.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Hanging with my friend and his family. Prior to the pandemic, we had made a streak of 5 years.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I want to stay on top of my physical health. Mainly staying consistent. I have a tendency to fall off here and there. I also want to sponsor a Supply Crate.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
To stay on top of my physical health, I need to hold myself accountable. It's important to make time in your day for yourself. Especially when it comes to your health. To sponsor a Supply Crate, I need to do a good job of generating hype. Finding other creators, fun incentives, and social media buzz are just a few things to help.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Don't be scared to hit the Follow button. Don't be scared to hit the Retweet button. Don't be scared to hit the Like button. Don't be scared to hit the Share button. We are primarily a digital community. Do your part to share our message and community with others.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
2021 was a big year for Stack Up. 2022 will be bigger. Happy New Year! STACK TF UP!!!
Cheshire Jack | Twitch
How would you sum up your 2021?
Lost a good paying job but got to spend time with family, so alright overall.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
With my wife and kids
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
I want to be able to focus on broadening my content creation to more platforms.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Take my time management into better focus.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
Provide events or incentive for content creation.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Keep smiling and embrace the chaos.
Logan Rogers | MarineVeteran06 | Trovo
How would you sum up your 2021?
Chaotic. Dealing with the major fallout of Mixer's shutdown and an absurd amount of harassment on Twitch, 2021 was chaotic but found a new home on Trovo.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
Sending 2021 out with a freaking BANG on my birthday, the 31st, via a birthday streamathon.
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
To raise between $500 and $1000.
What are some steps you think you'll need to take to get to your goal?
Become more aware on social media and market it properly on Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok.
A big part of Stack Up is community. What are some ideas you have about how we can help each other stay motivated throughout 2022?
If members have either Satisfactory or Farming Simulator 22 or any game that a large group can play together, set it as a competition to see who can get where the fastest.
Do you have a New Years Celebration message you want to share with the Stack Up community?
Thank you for being there for the Veterans who felt lost throughout this year and always being there for those who need someone to reach out to.
Wildonarts | Coy the Viking
How would you sum up your 2021?
So so.
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year?
What is a goal you are setting for yourself for 2022?
Make a little bit more money this year.