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Redshirt Roundtable: Vehicles in Video Games

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

Wow, January is over already? So much big gaming news happened in a single month, with Xbox acquiring Activision Blizzard, PlayStation acquiring Bungie, and so much more. Hopefully, 2022 keeps it exciting within the gaming world because it keeps our gaming communities abuzz with plenty to talk about.

Not that there is ever nothing to talk about when it comes to video games. With that said, for January's Redshirt Roundtable, we asked our Redshirts about their dream vehicles from video games. Whether it's space ships, suped-up racecars, or dragons, we wanted to know what they wish they could zoom around in. Here's our list of questions we asked:

  • If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

  • What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

  • Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

  • What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

Jesse (DullJoker) | Twitch

If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

The Rover from Mass Effect Andromeda.

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

Solid gold with matte white decals.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

In my backyard, cuz we don't use our backyard for anything anyway.

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

A warm sunny day at the beach

WileyHunter556 | Twitch

If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

Microsoft Flight Simulator - Volocity!!! 2 seaters, 18 Rotor Multicoptor - What's NOT to LOVE?!?

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

White with Blue Accents and just enough Chrome to be tasteful

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

At the local airport, or the house (be worth building a shed for).

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

Just cruising around the desert doing some aerial sightseeing, or (if the doors can come off) doing some aerial Coyote Hunting with a friend.

Michael Judd (unknownstreamer)

If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

Minion's APC from twisted metal 3, what could be more awesome than owning basically a tank that was owned by a spawn from hell. I'm sure he wouldn't mind since he is freezing in hell Michigan now after his wish was twisted.

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

I would keep it Olive Drab and probably incorporate my MOS number 0481 somewhere on it.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

I would sleep in it, so wherever I want to park, really, lol.

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

I could probably manage to take it out to a tank range/course then finish off by enjoying some lemonade sitting on top of it with a beach umbrella while looking out at the pacific sunset.


If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

Since dragons count, any of the Dragons you could use the dragonrend shout was amazing for riding dragons.

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

It's a dragon; I don't think it would let me slap a decal on it.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

It's a dragon. I wouldn't so much stow it so much as if someone asked me to move it, I would gleefully reply, "A dragon sits where it may."

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

I dunno, burning the countryside and amassing a horde?


If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

If we get to assume they work within the physics of the game they are from? Probably the Anaconda from Elite Dangerous, with the ability to have access to all of the in lore outfitting options, of course. Who doesn't want access to a spaceship that can somehow magically jump upwards of 80LY at a time or that can warp space around it so it can travel faster than the speed of light to get across star systems in minutes instead of decades? Since we get to have more than one vehicle, my second one would be the Fleet Carrier from the same in-game universe, and the third probably a Federal Corvette.

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

If I'm the only one on the planet with one of these things, it's already pretty unique, but I'd probably paint it some variation of purple. Maybe I'd sell corporate sponsor spots on it to afford to pay to keep it maintained and fueled.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

I'd park my vehicles on the Fleet Carrier, of course. Not like I can just fly either of them around easily in Earth's atmosphere. Besides, where do you even park a spaceship the size of a sports stadium? I'd have to put it in orbit somewhere out of the way so it couldn't be targeted by jealous folks back on Earth, though. Probably use it to help NASA, the ESA, and other space agencies further their research and move their satellites/telescopes/astronauts and such around as well to help further science and reverse engineer the tech for the betterment of mankind.

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

I think some of the first things I'd have to do would be to fly around and look at all the planets in our solar system. I've always wanted to get first-hand views of them thanks to the amazing photography from the various probes on NASA's websites. I feel like I'd be morally obligated to not land on any of them to avoid contaminating them for future scientific endeavors, but I also think the technology would definitely be something I'd want to work with someone like Elon Musk to reverse engineer so we could use it to get folks to Mars and other planets for research and to have spare parts and such. If anyone could help make that happen, it'd be our resident mad lad Elon Musk and his team at SpaceX.

Ps Ceberuss_23

If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

Subaru BRZ, Dodge Rebel ram1500, and Plymouth prowler (hot knife) gta5

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

Metallic black with red pearlescence.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

My parking spot

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

Just driving. Anywhere

Puzzle (They/Them) | Twitch

If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

A horse because in some places, that's the only mode of transit you can have, and you don't need a license to ride/control one.

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

A custom camo saddle and saddle pad with a camo bridle and reins

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

in a decked out garage turned into a stable attached to my house

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

Riding around town getting looks from all the cool peeps


If you could have any vehicle from a video game, what would it be? What makes your vehicle of choice awesome?

We all love Halo's Warthog, right? Cloud's Bike was pretty cool too. I'm choosing the Sparrowhawk from Halo. It seems like a good size, not too small, not too large. Wouldn't be stopped by bad terrain. And it's military-grade. (that's good, right?)

What colors/decals would you deck the vehicle out with to make it yours?

I'd have to go bright. Either Flame Red or School Bus Yellow... Gotta have my StackUp Flashbang decal in a couple of spots.

Where would you even stow your vehicle? Feel free to be creative.

Over at your place. I don't have enough room at mine. Actually, it would probably fit in my backyard.

What would be your ideal day out in your video game vehicle of choice?

I mean, I would just go sightseeing. You could travel the world in a Sparrowhawk.

To read more Redshirt Roundtables, find them at this link.


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