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  • Writer's pictureRoberto Nieves

Review - Cyberpulse

Developer: Scherzo Games

Publisher: Digital Tribe

Available on: PC (Steam), macOS, Linux

Review console: Steam Deck

I loved the theme of cyberspace! I grew up on movies like Tron and TV shows like ReBolt, which envisioned an entire universe inside the computer. Rivers of energy flow through a world of light and power. It's a world similar to our own replaced with computation and functions. It's a real that has been explored in countless anime and games from Tachyon Project to Sword Art Online and The Caligula Effect. Cyberpulse is another example of using cyberspace to provide a unique experience. 

A twin-stick shooter, Cyberpulse is a cyberspace action experience built from the ground up. As a lone anti-viral enforcement program, it's up to the player to clear the system from virulent threats. The end result is a game that provides terrific combat and sensational gameplay that keeps players locked in.

Check Your Cyber Pulse

Cyberpulse is without a story. There are evil enemies and viral bosses to eliminate. That's the entire nature of the game. No cutscenes or text. Just enemy computer viruses to eliminate. To do so, players embody the form of an Enforcer ship dedicated to correcting the system. The ship can dash and freeze enemies but its most important is the magnet.

Weapons handling works differently in Cyberpulse. Players use a ring magnet to deflect and eliminate enemy viral units. It's the primary weapon to take on the various bytes and bits looking to stop players cold in their tracks. Additional powers are unlocked along the way, such as dashing through enemies and the ability to stun them cold.

Beyond programming

The gameplay mechanics are all their own in Cyberpulse. Compared to other games in the genre, like AIPD, the strategy is to move fast and deflect faster. It’s a case of giving the enemy a taste of their own medicine. A lot is happening on screen at once and reflexes have to be quick. Fighting enemies in this manner is only half the battle. Wall needs to be avoided and traps need to be navigated. It’s a fast game, and Cyberpulse needs players to stay up to speed. 

A very enriching part of Cyberpulse is the difference in levels and how they manipulate the gameplay mechanics. One level is straightforward, just eliminating viruses. Another level could be fighting enemies and avoiding the deadly energized walls. An additional level could be trying to stay alive for as long as possible without weapons. Cyberpulse does a very good job of keeping players on their toes.

Real User Power

Finally, there are the boss fights. These are a big highlight of Cyberpulse. Not only are they massive and screen-filling but they are intense! Lightning fast, fighting a boss in Cyberpulse feels like fighting a digital titan. Consider it an electric David & Goliath moment. In a way, Cyberpulse takes a cue from Breakout as players work to break down each pixel. They are challenging, but the feeling one gets from victory is incredible. 

Cyberpulse is clearly a labor of love. The Geometry Wars inspired levels, constant pursuit for high scores, and the colossal boss fights harken to the cardinal foundations of video games. That is to get that high score and have fun getting it. The only real faults that can be made for Cyberpulse is the lack of a story and the repetitive nature of the game. Otherwise, it’s hard to go wrong with Cyberpulse.

High Bandwidth

Cyberpulse is best enjoyed in short bursts, and it’s worth the ride all the way through. There aren’t a lot of twin-stick shooters making a splash these days. Cyberpulse is certainly making a splash, all in neon-soaked colors in a virtual world. Put Cyberpulse in your Steam library. Here's to hoping it leaps to consoles too.


Cyberpulse was reviewed on Steam Deck thanks to a key from the Developer.

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