Developer: kinjo
Publisher: Phoenixx Inc.
Available on: PC (Steam)
Let's solve some puzzles right meow! I have ADHD so sometimes while working my brain needs a quick little break when the work starts to feel routine. I'm in constant need of novelty and challenge with my interest locked brain so sometimes I resort to keeping easy to play and achieve games running in the background or on my phone so I can get that quick rush and use that energy to complete tasks.
Electrogical is a math logic puzzle game with electrical cats and a soothing beep boop soundtrack just perfect for that.

Let's Get Electrogical
When the challenges run dry and I'm stuck doing a whole day of routine work necessary for running a functional content cruise here at Stack Up, opening up and playing a quick game can really jumpstart my ability to get back to work and finish tasks. That great thing about puzzle games like Electrogical, is that they offer plenty of challenge and a quick sense of achievement that really boost that part of my brain that needs it.
And boy, are some of Electrogical's puzzles challenging. The game's puzzles involve placing puzzle pieces on the board in a series of circuits to get from one level to the next. Each piece usually contains a number or symbol indicating what action that piece does. Sometimes it subtracts or adds, multiplies or divides a number, other times it creates connections from one part of the board to another and other functions that up the challenge of the game. It's not always a straight forward, add this much and subtract that much to get a specific output, either. Some of the pieces are weird shaped on a board that's just as weird shaped and you have to figure out where to fit what while doing the math to ensure you get the correct output.

Meowin' Away the Hours
Electrogical does have an auto-solve function if it gets too hard, but where's the fun in that? Actually, I'll tell you, the game's aesthetic has that green circuit board color throughout but what makes it fun to look at and watch as you solve a puzzle is the appearance of electrical cats who pop out and zip their way to the next board for you to solve. These little guys are oddly perfect for the games aesthetic. If you're just looking to enjoy a game with silly aesthetics and interesting music while uncovering some hidden logs, it's okay to hit that auto-solve button.
Speaking of music, Electrogical's soundtrack works in the game's favor. The songs are very beep boop buzz sounding but they're set up in soothing patterns that are pleasing to the ears. Combine that with the kitty cat aesthetic and it works for the game without making it too cutesy.
The Verdict
Electrogical is like a snack of a game just right for those moments in between tasks or when you need to kill a little time. The best part of it all is that Electrogical costs the low price of $6.99. Pretty great, right? Now let's go solve some puzzles.
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Thank you for this beautifully written post.
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