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Review - Moonstone Island

Writer's picture: Fernando Da CostaFernando Da Costa

DEVELOPER: Studio Supersoft


AVAILABLE ON: Nintendo Switch & PC


As my facial hair is coated in grey, I find my tastes in gaming changing. Those cozy farm simulators a la Rune Factory and Story of Seasons are tickling my fancy more and more as I get older. Nothing quite beats the relaxation that my heart is embraced with. Yes, I wholeheartedly admit that hey, perhaps the genre is oversaturated on Nintendo Switch. It’s pretty overwhelming, honestly. Be that as it may, there’s a certain magic to them that always grabs my throat firmly, arousing interest. It’s an erection of dopamine that compels me to want to leap into the newest titles. Moonstone Island manages to entice and I’ve been eagerly awaiting a console release. Well, it’s now upon us.

Moonstone Island is rather intriguing. It’s what happens after Stardew Valley and Pokémon go on a date and forget a condom. The visuals alone had me sold but it’s the concept that grabbed a hold of me. What also attracted my curiosity were the tweaks made to the conversational system. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is the big question and I’ve got the answer.

Moonstone Island - Checking my relationship progress

Moonstone Island tells the story of a silent Protagonist leaving on a journey to become an Alchemist. It opens with their father teaching them the basics of survival, preparing them for the wilderness. I found this interaction to be a nice cover for the tutorial. It was sweet and in my mind, set the stage for what lay ahead. Yeah, that wasn’t going to be the case. Now, I don’t mean that with any negative connotation. As I’ve noted, the verbal sparring is just handled in a unique manner and while I appreciate that, I’m conflicted. I find myself bouncing between loving it to not being overly enthused by what Studio Supersoft has done. It’s a peculiar feeling because I don’t think the quality of the script suffers - the execution is just not up to my dumb standards and in the end, it’s why I’m wishy-washy.

See, I’m a nerd for literary works and so, my favourite aspect is discovering a villager’s personality. I adore the idea of having to cultivate relationships with the NPCs. Sadly, that rarely happened with Moonstone Island. Firstly, it’s important that I stress that when conversing, a few say silly stuff that does garner a favourable response. The issues only begin because, unlike other juggernauts of the genre, key elements are absent. For starters, there aren’t heart events. There are zero scenarios designed to give meat to these coded husks. Without those, everyone feels empty - they aren’t memorable. While yes, it’s true I enjoyed those tiny blurbs, they don’t have staying power. The only instances where it slightly clicks are the dates.

Moonstone Island - Receiving a letter from mom.

Veterans of coziness are anticipating romance and there are plenty of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes here to satiate that. There are lots of cute women and rugged men to shuffle through. The misstep occurs when trying to gain their admiration. To do so, I’ve got to talk, joke, and flirt with whoever I’m crushing on. A percentage appears beside each action to note how successful it’ll be, but choosing one doesn’t trigger any cheesy dialogue. I’m simply rewarded with points. While I acknowledge that it streamlines the process, the sacrifice is no one feels robust - no one feels like an individual. I only need enough ticks before, ding, a sudden increase in our affection. Frankly, and it’s weird to say, but my gripe is with how gamified it is.

None of these complaints are why I’m middling, though. See, the answer y’all have been waiting for is the structure. To put it into layman’s terms, it feels disjointed. Let’s kick it off positively and say I like how dating mimics reality. When we’re just beginning to court the apple of our eye, getting a yes to our advances is difficult, yet the RNG is bolstered as we get closer. What I dislike is that I’ve got to wait a few in-game days before meeting them for a night on the town. As I’m killing time, my memory often fails. I get distracted and the only reminder is a tiny icon on the map and a notice hidden at the corner of the screen. Plainly, it’s an accessibility hiccup that made it feel less cohesive than it should.

Moonstone Island - Flirting with Gaiana


Crafting is crucial to Moonstone Island. Hell, the core gameplay loop is zooming to the pieces of land floating in the sky, foraging for materials. What gets me moist and my juices roaring is how the system has been implemented. It’s a hybrid of convenience and typical fare. On one hand, so long as I have what the recipe requests, I’m able to create the item on the spot. On the other hand, a few require the usage of a facility. First and foremost, I must mention that what is available differs between mediums. For example, If I need to twist sheet metal into a charm to give me resistance to a status ailment, I need an Anvil. The nifty part is I can put it wherever. Thanks to a single QOL addition, the optimal location becomes your dwelling.

Due to the distance between the levitating masses, travel is tedious, particularly at the start. My only means of flying at that juncture is a balloon. It’s sluggish, but as my session progresses, I do get a small speed boost as I transition to a broom. I can then later hop over to a glider, which is faster, but not Sonic the Hedgehog fast. It takes time and when I do reach the furthest corners of the map, night will have fallen. I’m very close to dropping from exhaustion and forced to teleport home with the warp flute in my inventory. It’s annoying but there is a saving grace - I can build tents, homes, and a fish bowl, anywhere as a hub base. A light bulb then goes off upon realizing interiors are shared. In other words, what I drop in one, shows in all.

Moonstone Island - Flying on a balloon

Of course, to even craft, I have to find the blueprints that tell me what amalgamates with what. To obtain these, I can go down one of two paths. The first is that during my search, I’ll find flowers, trees, and rocks scattered about. Underneath those stones could be a mineshaft that goes underground. If that wasn’t clear, we’re looking for holes to enter. If I were to continue along the surface, however, I may pass a door that leads into a dungeon. Not only are more chests found within but it serves a second purpose, as well - bolstering my stamina. Rushing through will also finish quest objectives. Yup, this farming sim is a smorgasbord of genres that have been squished together but isn’t flawless in doing so. Regardless, it’s still a delightful romp, especially when I’m taming beasts.


I grew up with Pokémon and to be able to recruit monsters in Moonstone Island had me irrationally giddy. This is the mechanic that had me ensnared in a vice grip. The only reason as to why is that it made me feel like I was 10 again, eating too many Oreos. There’s around 100 or so of these creatures to face, each belonging to a certain type - earth, fire, water, and so on. It keeps with the basic idea of RPGs in that my pets level with EXP, thus learning techniques that take the form of cards. Like it’s inspiration, I can pick which of those I keep. I can tailor their arsenal to be the very best. You know what, screw it, I’m going to declare it; the degree of engagement resonated with me immensely - the sheer customization left me chuffed.

Moonstone Island - Doing combat with a beach ball

Crops are usually utilized for cooking. It’s a common thread among Farming Sims but Moonstone Island, thanks to the many adversaries, gives them a new purpose. See, combat functions with a mana system in that, I’ve got a set number of energy to strike. Each attack has a value I have to adhere to if I, say, want to drown my foes with a Tidal Wave. As someone that’s indifferent to deck builders, I wasn’t sold initially but as I kept playing this game, my opinion shifted. It’s odd to say but the fun is in the RNG and having to adapt. If I find I’ve run dry of said mana, a few fruits I’ve grown can replenish it. With a wide variety in my inventory, I can focus on what has synergy with what. These abilities can also be upgraded, yet the cost remains static - it’s awesome.

What I find the most riveting is how no pair of enemies are alike. Sure, visually they are but their stats have disparity. What I mean is that I may lure one in that’s level 10 but then I’m confronted by another at the same level, yet health is higher. Unsurprisingly, that can apply to strength, speed, etc. None are identical due to how it works. If you’re familiar with Super Mario RPG, it’s exactly like that. I can effectively build the perfect ally by giving them a nice buff between every level. It’s precisely why I might be challenged by a slime that’s able to absorb damage better than mine. Oh, but if I’m looking for a temporary juicing, it just so happens the crops will have properties to, for a whole day’s cycle, raise my stats.

Moonstone Island - Leveling up and choosing the perk given


Calling my Rune Factory aficionados because Moonstone Island borrows a big part. With the presence of a Skill Tree, there are going to be perks to acquire. To do so, I must be incessant with what I do. To paint the picture, there are six categories in total - Spirits, Archeology, Agriculture, Social, Combat, and Foraging. Each will have branches of passives to invest in. To gain those points, I have to do whatever correlates to it. For instance, being an extrovert and ensuring I’m talking to the folks of the town gives me credit towards Social. If I, however, go and get myself into tussles, eventually I’ll get it towards Combat. As you can hopefully surmise, it’s evident as to what’s asked of me. If I had to gripe, I did feel that it took a long before I would earn any of said points.


As far as the graphics go, I’ve made it no secret that I’m a sucker for pixel art. When buckets of passion are poured into this style, it pays dividends. I’m happy to report that Studio Supersoft gave it their all and holy shitaki mushroom, they‘ve banged out a beaut. The bright colours pop and look oh-so wondrous on an OLED screen. The sprites, homes, and textures in general are vibrant beyond words. There was a ton of blood, sweat, and tears put into meticulously shaping the objects, like the furniture, environment, and naturally, the people. It’s difficult for me to hone in on a fault. I love the design of every character and their portraits are drawn beautifully. After my session, it’s easy for me to conclude that as a package, this specific portion has been nailed with such poise.

Moonstone Island - Looking through the Skill Tree


I enjoy the music, full stop. There’s a tranquil feeling that’s evoked due to the instrument choices made. While the song that plays while locked in the thralls of a physical contest may not be intense, it matches the vibe. There’s a calmness that is appropriate given the cozy aesthetic - it’s catchy, too. Where Moonshine Island shines the brightest, however, is with the ambiance. The flowing muses of running water and the swishing of grass as you slice through with your scythe are great. The only eerie bit that I encountered was how the OST went silent after a bit. It isn’t a massive deal but for me, I dislike how quiet it gets and routinely found myself throwing on a podcast. It’s a shame since I like what the composer has done.


In theory, Moonstone Island should buckle under the weight of trying to wear so many hats but it doesn’t. Even the criticisms I levied at the writing won’t deter me from fully recommending it. Sure, I had a fair share to throw at it. The thing is that it isn’t due to being terrible. It’s a purely subjective, and stupid, qualm that won’t affect the vast majority. I concede that it muddles the charm that’s normally there, but it hasn't been eradicated. See, the charm has simply been transferred to the presentation - it’s so gosh darn adorable. There’s a strong foundation that could be the beginning of a franchise. I personally hope that it is because I had quite the blast. Not to mention that I can furnish my damn house. Look, I said it before and I’ll say it again, this is a superb romp.


The Publisher provided the code used for the purposes of this review.


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