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Review - Ys X: Nordics

Writer's picture: Fernando Da CostaFernando Da Costa

Developer: Nihon Falcom

Publisher: NIS America

Available On: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, & PC

Review Console: PlayStation 5


Ys, pronounced ‘ease’, has been ever present in my life for years now. I’ve got fond memories of playing Ark of Napishtim as my mom sat behind me, telling me to do this or that. Granted, it may have caused one or two arguments due to a collective stubbornness but frankly, I cherish those times. As such, when newer iterations are released, my glee is evident. You know, there’s a handful of JRPGs that have left a mark. They manage to teleport me to my youth and this franchise is a guilty party. Falcom are masterminds at building the games I like. I’d end this paragraph on a cliffhanger but screw it, YS X Nordics is just amazing.

Ys X caps off a hot streak of trilogies that began with Ys VIII. When you consider that Falcom are also responsible for the Trials series, it becomes clear that they’re JRPG wizards. They’ve absolutely nailed the formula. I’m not sure if that talent comes with a hefty price but if it does, those virgin sacrifices weren’t in vain. It was well worth those tributes because, again, it’s God damn superb, but isn’t without a few faults.


Yet another story in the book of Adol Cristin is about to unfold. It’ll open with him and his companion, Dogi, quietly riding the ocean. As they do so, however, their tranquility is interrupted as pirates infiltrate the ship they’re on. Trouble erupts, finishing with the invaders taking our red-haired hero and his partner to the small town of Carnac. What follows is a wondrous tale full of adventure as you try to rescue those that have fallen victim to a curse. Along the way, various truths come to light as the mysteries of this world unravel. If you haven’t guessed, Ys X harnesses those classic fantasy tropes to weave a narrative that I was engrossed by.

The fantastic cast had a hand in that. The amount of individuality that these characters ooze is astonishing. Granted, similarities do exist but the attitudes are largely unique. Everyone felt alive as they reacted to situations, further aiding in the immersion festering in my stomach. I actually found myself forming a connection with these empty husks. Sure, lots are stereotypes. I mean, there’s a smartie, a troubled father and son duo, the warrior princess, and that list continues. Be that as it may, Ys X relishes in how cliche it is. It doesn’t shy away from all of the shenanigans it pulls and unabashedly embraces the silliness of the script.


It’s with the two Protagonists where the magic begins cooking. The dynamic between the pair is a highlight. Now, I can’t say I’m overly enthused by the silence from Adol. He speaks but not nearly enough. The majority of his dialogue is mouthing words as he flails around a bit. Karja is the talkative one and boy, she’s stellar. What stuck out to me was her development. As Ys X progresses, her demeanor softens as we see a gentler side. She made me forgive how quiet Adol is due to her excellent localization. Okay, I can see the oblivious part of her personality being an annoyance but for me, it added to how adorable she is.

Their relationship in general is dripping with charm. It was a treat to watch as the interactions went from hostile to a bond that’s solid as a rock. The playful banter especially left a cheesy-ass smile etched on my face. There’s a certain degree of realism that really sucked me in and left me content. I watched as they got closer in real-time and the walls, particularly with Karja, began to crumble. This might sound a tad strange but the conversations were organic. The flow is seamless, almost comforting. Now, maybe I’m not articulating my thoughts too well and if so, know that it felt believable and for a JRPG, that’s very crucial.


I say this often but the gameplay of Ys X is simplistic and therein lies the genius. The combat is your standard hack-and-slash fare and due to the power behind the PS5, it’s frenetic. The fast action gives it this element of addiction. What resonated with me most, however, is how it reminds me of Zelda. I’m running around, slicing my enemies dead with either Adol or Karja. If I’m feeling saucy, and I recommend this, I can utilize both to strike simultaneously for utter devastation. It’s a hoot and ideal to quickly dispatch the many foes, and the bosses, that I encounter. It’s due to that impeccable responsiveness that I find I’m in love with it.

The comparisons to Zelda don’t end there as recovery items are tied to empty bottles. Basically, I can’t buy a shit ton of potions unless I have the containers to house the liquid. It isn’t a common aspect for JRPGs. Most allow you to splurge and hoard them. Well, Ys X isn’t like most girls. While it didn’t bother me, I think it’s circumstantial. To set the stage, I played Ys on Normal. As such, I rarely had issues winning, meaning I was barely healing. If I raised that bar, though, I reckon the heightened challenge would amplify just how potentially irksome it could be. Luckily, old-school sensibilities try to mitigate that struggle.

I’ve been upfront about being disabled. From cognitive to physical, I’m a smorgasbord. Delayed reactions are near the top of the list and is why I depend on visual cues. I rely on them to successfully evade or block. Without those tells, I’m vulnerable, prone to being battered and killed. Thankfully, Ys X will telegraph what’s incoming by using patterns. If I memorize what movement leads to what technique, I’m probably avoiding damage. In layman’s terms, it boils down into an accessibility facet. It also grants me the chance to tackle Hard Mode with confidence which is what separates terrible execution from the good.


Ship battles are the big hook meant to sell Ys X. Yup, I can partake in aquatic violence. Unfortunately, it’s pretty mindless due to how easy it is. I mean, there’s zero strategy here. I’m just mashing the button to shoot cannonballs. Now, when those tables turn and I’m being shot at, the counter is barely lethal. Even when faced by an opponent that can handily kick my ass, I can tuck tail and glide in the opposite direction to flee from them. Without a doubt, it isn’t as fun as fighting on land. My brain is checked out as I repeatedly lift and lower my thumb. The notion of it could’ve been rather intriguing but it lacks that little bit of pizzazz.

As for the sailing facet, I wasn’t immediately sold on it. It was slow, but then I discovered that the coloured stripes along the ocean surface act as a speedway of sorts. It was sufficient until I then stumbled on a fast travel system. Opening the map and selecting a location couldn’t be more painless. What I’m trying to hint at is that exploration is key to Ys X. We’re given every tool necessary to go out to the far corners of the sea chart; to visit each island we pass because by doing so, we might find a stranded Carnac civilian. Once recruited, our vessel isn’t only strengthened but I might even unlock facilities within that aid in the


It shouldn’t come as a shock to know that Ys X dabbles in trees - not the 420 kind. The approach is distinct, too. As I’m leveling up, that’s not granting points. No, it instead rewards Mana Seeds I can slot into the nodes that make up the branches. They come in a wide variety of colors and have varying properties - some increase attack, while some target defense. My focus won’t just be on bolstering stats as I can also earn Active Abilities - lowering cost of special skills, sprinting faster, etc. I can then enhance the perk variations by tying together the same colors. It allowed me to surrender to curiosity as I experimented with the possibilities.


To the uninitiated, grinding is swearing in the JRPG community. Not a lot of folks subscribe to it. Ys X does, but before the groans echo in unison, listen. Yes, it helps to learn specialized tandem techniques at a certain level threshold. That isn’t all she wrote, though, as it may also net me materials - raw meat or wood scraps. The significance of these is thus; they’re an alternative form of currency. See, the mechanic that tickles my taint is bartering. If I’m running low on cash, I can offer up these items in place of it. I found I never had trouble trying to afford a piece of equipment exactly due to having the two avenues of payment which I appreciate.


When it concerns graphical style, it’ll likely be divisive. I found it to be attractive. It isn’t realistic by any stretch and hell, it resembles the last generation more than the current era. I can agree with that, but I also believe the lighting and shadows are mint. The cartoon vibe felt appropriate in this world. The character models are excellent and the dialogue portraits are beautifully drawn. The environments are a low point, however, especially in caves. I felt it needed an extra tinge of detail. That said, I’m smitten with Karja’s side pony and how it brings me back to the 90s. There are lip syncing mistakes but animations are usually smooth.


Let’s not spend much on the music because as a Ys title, most tracks were terrific. Outliers do exist but they’re few and far between and I don’t feel it’s important to mention. What I want to concentrate on is the dub. Without hyperbole, I found it to be absolutely amazing. The actors killed it. When sarcasm was on the docket, they delivered that performance with grace. If sadness was on deck, they made sure it’s bang on. The emotion in their cadence and inflection in the spots that demanded it wrapped me in a blanket of immersion. For me, Karja is the star. I felt her raw passion in my core as she emoted which is why she resonated.


Ys X Nordics does this legendary franchise justice by being an entry slathered in delight. During my sessions, I went well into the earliest hours of the night, incapable of putting my PlayStation Portal down. What else can I say but that this was a romp that I’ll remember for a long time. I mean, my sleep schedule has been drug through the mud and beaten bloody. Every side-quest that I accepted was met with me muttering “just one more” before several minutes had floated into the ether. The minor gripes I noticed paled in comparison to the pros that slapped me. Without hesitation, I definitely recommend adding Ys X to the collection.


Massive thanks to the Publisher for the review code used for this coverage.


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