What’s up, my glip-glops?

We here at Stack Up have been huge Rick and Morty fans for some time now, so it was quite the honor to visit the studios here in sunny Los Angeles, California. Quietly hidden in here in Burbank, the studio looks like any other usual office cubicle farm, except with a lot more in the way of portal guns and fart jokes hanging from the walls and whiteboards.

Knowing that the studio would soon be ramping up for their massive 70 episode order, we knew that the Rick and Morty team didn’t have a lot of time to help out. When we asked for some support for our 10% Happier fundraising challenge from Chive Charities to raise money for veterans, they were able to do what they could: give us some unique pieces of Rick and Morty swag that, as fanboys of the series, we are actually sad to be giving away!

The first piece of gear is a Rick and Morty skate deck. No wheels, no trucks, no fanfare on the front, but on the underpinnings is an image of Rick and the Smith family doing battle with alien parasites from the “Total Rickall” episode. This skate deck was only given to employees of Rick and Morty at the completion of the second season as a gift for a job well done.
That’s right: only a handful of these are in existence in the world right now, and most of them are generally hanging on the artists and developers behind the Rick and Morty series. We really don’t want to let this one go as such as trophy should be hanging in our office!

The other piece of donated gear from the Rick and Morty offices was a poster…but, not just any poster. As we spoke with the artist, the design for it took the better part of a year of effort on his part, trying to incorporate pieces of as many episodes as possible through the series.
Again, there are only a handful of these lovingly handcrafted posters in the world out there, a perfect compliment to the Rick and Morty fan who are looking for unique pieces to add to their collection.

So how does one win themselves one of these amazing Rick and Morty collectibles?
Simple. Make a donation to our fundraising competition page we have at theChive HERE, any amount you would like. Two lucky donors will take home the gear!
You have between now and August 21st, 1 PM EST to get your donations in for your chance to win, and we are only able to send to folks in the United States; sorry, Zimbabwe!
Help us raise money to help Stack Up support veterans with gaming and geek culture! Find out more about our mission here!
