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Supply Crate – Alfred

Writer's picture: Stack UpStack Up

Welcome to yet another Supply Crate update! Whether you're getting up to video games this weekend or other events, we hope your weekend is a great one! Drop into the Stack Up discord if you ever need someone to talk to or hang out with.

With that said, let's talk about Alfred. Alfred's wife sent in this Supply Crate nomination for the sake of her husband needing an escape. Read her nomination below:

I am the wife of Alfred writing in on his behalf. Video games has always been a passion of my husband’s but once he came back from deployment it seemed to be his way to escape/disassociate himself from life that he wasn’t use to and didn’t know how to acclimate back to. He suffered PTSD but was unable to allow himself to ask for help and gaming is what seemed to assist. I know he still gets the urge to game but doesn’t want to spend the money on items for himself so he randomly plays the PS3 with his COD which he took over seas. I’m never one to surprise him but I think he would be over the moon if I were able to surprise him with this gift to have an escape, festers, and enjoy some fun!

Thanks for sending that in! We know how much gaming can help out with our mental health from personal experience, and every chance we can take to spread that, we're happy to do it. We sent Alfred his crate, and he sent us a reply:

I was so surprised receiving this today!! Thanks so much for this awesome gift! Huge shout out to Sandromeda!!

Thanks, Alfred, and thanks to your wife for letting us know about you.

Sandromeda sponsored Alfred's Supply Crate. If you are into Sea of Thieves, she plays plenty of it on her channel.

We're currently halfway to our goal of $400k raised. Every dollar helps us send out Supply Crates to Veterans like Alfred and help people through mental health crises through our Overwatch Program on discord. Sign up for a DonorDrive page today! Whether you raise $5 or more, you are doing good work.


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