Welcome to the week, everyone. The weekend was amazing, with all of the fantastic Call to Arms VI fundraisers giving us quite the boost. Now we're even more hyped to talk about Supply Crates with all of you awesome people reading this right now. This crate of games went out to Angelo. As per usual, we'll let him tell you a little bit about himself:
Hello, my name is Angelo. I am 28 years old. I have been married going on 9 years this February. I have an 8 year old daughter, and 2 boys that are 6 and 3. I am born and raised in San Antonio. I have been serving in the army for 9 years now. I spent my first four years on active duty, and then switched to the National Guard. I am currently deployed and have been away from home since September. Video games help me pass my time faster, and provides a mental escape, and help relieve stress. They also help me connect with my soldiers, and boost morale by gaming together and hosting tournaments.

Boosting morale is very much what Stack Up is here for. We got that crate out as quickly as Stack Up can, packing up a new Xbox, accessories, and games to get out to Angelo and his unit. Angelo was very grateful for the crate, as he told us:
I just received my video game system and games and goodies. My soldiers and I were totally surprised, and are super stoked. Thank you so much.

Glad to send out a good surprise to our troops deployed out there. Thank you, Angelo, for reaching out to us; we're always stoked to send out Supply Crates and even more stoked to get replies and talk about the folks we're sending Supply Crates out to.
Unoraptormon (that's a really cool name) sponsored Angelo's crate. Thank you, Unoraptormon, for participating in Call to Arms V!
Do you want to get involved with Stack Up and help us with our mission of supporting military and veteran mental health through gaming? If you click that big red button below, you can find out how to get involved today. Or, you can get a DonorDrive page started and join in on Call to Arms VI. You might get the chance to support a Supply Crate like this one. If you have questions, you can reach out to us on any of our socials or fill out this contact form to send us a message.