As of today, we've raised over $225,000 to support our programs, such as these Supply Crates and our Overwatch Program. Thanks to everyone that has been participating.

We're bringing yet another Supply Crate update. We're finally through our Hundred Heroes supply crates from December and into Supply Crate updates from earlier this year. We've been receiving more replies than ever from recipients, and we hope to continue receiving more.
Today's update comes from Armando, a deployed soldier providing postal services to other soldiers overseas as he told us in his request:

We are a group of 7 personnel currently serving overseas in efforts to provide postal services to soldiers. We're all mostly from Puerto Rico, with a couple attached from Florida and GA. For most of us it's the first time leaving home and for me it's now my second deployment and the 4th of my Supervisor. I am hoping if this works that I will be able to surprise my team and give them a little joy while being away from their families. The hours of operation are a bit extensive somedays as we were told we are likely the last of the military to serve in this capacity.
What's cool about this Supply Crate is that we got to deliver some fun and morale to the guys providing what can often be a lifeline to soldiers deployed away from their families.
Thank you so much, your package has been received and in good condition. We of the 271st postal team are grateful and want to make a shoutout to our sponsor Jason Schar for the wonderful gift!
Attached are photos of the morning we had.

Thank you, Armando, for providing so many great photos! We always look forward to what we might receive from our recipients. It's always a good reminder to see the people we are impacting.
As Armando mentioned, Jason Schar sponsored this Supply Crate. We thank Jason Schar and his community for helping us in supporting our troops.

Want to help us make more Supply Crates happen for our soldiers deployed overseas? Hit the button below to sign up to fundraise or donate to someone who is already fundraising! (Yes, this button is new!)