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Supply Crate – Carl

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Army Veteran Carl found out about Stack Up through Regiment and requested a Supply Crate so he could use it for coping and, hopefully, one day, streaming as he told us in his request:

Hello, My name is Carl. I joined the Army in January 2015 and got out in August 2017 due to an airborne jump injury. I had to have 5 x Chest surgical procedures. With that being said getting out of the military destroyed me because I wanted to stay in since I planned to do my 20 years. I fell in a deep whole since everything was taken from me. To this day I struggle with "civilian life ". I have never been able to adapt much since the military was my "home". I had two battle buddies I was suppose to deploy with die in Afghanistan back in July 2019. When that happened I developed survivors guilt. Back in 2020 I went to see a doctor and was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression. For me playing games helps me with my head space. I have also have chronic pain so going to work is super hard on a daily basis. I have jumped job to job because I struggle with my health conditions. I joined regiment on discord a few months ago and want to be able to stream one day. It is just hard financially to be able to get a new gaming console to be able to stream. Being able to game helps my mind stay off of things and make things a little bit easier. Thank you so much for helping our brothers and sisters out their that struggle with everyday life.

The latest consoles are certainly expensive but still not as expensive as a PC and all the maintenance that comes with them. They're a great way to game and even get those first steps into streaming.

Huge shout out to Lucky gaming. You don’t understand how great it feels to get something from this amazing community. I want to thank you from my heart because getting this brings joy and happiness. From getting out of the military medically it has taken a huge impact on my health. Even with my mental health. Gaming for me is a getaway to help cope with this illness. Getting this will help me be able reach other gamers and veterans as well. I eventually want to be in your shoes to be able to help other vets and active duty soldiers. Once again thank you for what you’re doing to help this community.

Thanks for the reply, Carl.

xLuckyJx gaming sponsored Carl's Supply Crate through his and his community's efforts of fundraising more than $1k to support Stack Up. Thanks for taking the time to help us make this happen. You can check out xLuckyJx on Twitch.

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