We've finally figured out we'll be including motivational game quotes in our Supply Crates. Today's motivational quote is:
A strong man doesn’t need to read the future. He makes his own. - Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid
Alright now back to our update. Today's update is from a Supply Crate that went out to recipient Cassandra. Cassandra is an Army Veteran who wanted a crate for her PTSD as she told us in her request:
My name is Cassie, I am an Army veteran. I was deployed in 2010 to Afghanistan with the 656th transportation company. In may 2011 I was MEDEVAC’d to fort Campbell, KY where I spent 17 months in the WTU before being medically discharged from the army in October 2012. I am 90% service connected, 50% being for PTSD. I love gaming and making new friends and being able to connect with old ones through gaming. I currently do not have a system. I had a playstation, it was broken in a move and have not been able to afford to replace it. Gaming helps relieve my anxiety and help me forget about real life for a while. It’s a way for me to stay connected and keep busy.
Broken consoles are the worst, and sometimes a little like losing a friend. We're not being dramatic, for some people that's their end-of-day comfort. Of course, we had to make sure Cassie received a new one and then some to make up for her loss. She had a PlayStation, so we made sure to send her a shiny new PlayStation 4.

Thank you again so much!
Have fun with that PS4, Cassandra, and thanks for reaching out!
This Supply Crate was sponsored by StoneMountain64. Thank you, StoneMountain64, for helping us get yet another crate out to a deserving Veteran.
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