Chad's wife requested a Supply Crate because his therapists told them gaming would be a great way to help with his mobility and may help with his mental health.
My husband is 100 totally disabled Army Veteran with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, mobility/gait issues and is starting to lose feeling/function in his hands. Chad's therapists are working his to keep the mobility in his hands and said the best therapy would be gaming to keep his hands moving and functioning. This would help slow down the process of him losing all the losing of feeling and function by a few years if he can use a "controller" a hour or two a day. Plus mental wise, gaming will help PTSD and his anxiety. His psychiatrist is encouraging Chad to get into more gaming to fight the "demons" from his night terrors and the horror he saw was part of in the service. The psychiatrist said that he had found that gaming is a good release for anger and toward the family. --- I am hoping and praying you help my husband with a gaming system and games. The night terrors and isolation are daily/nightly occurrence which I know cause his more anxiety and depression. Because he feels like he be there for his family, his wife, teenager daughter and son. --- Thank you.
We could talk about the benefits of gaming for mental and physical health all day. We even have a page on our website talking all about it, along with stats and studies that cover the benefits of gaming. While gaming is not a cure, it's a great aid for helping people cope with their mental and physical health problems.

I have received it, sorry for not getting back to you. Here is the pic of me with the items.
Again, thank you so much.
Thanks so much Chad for getting back to us. We hope gaming gives you a bit of relief.

7th Cavalry Gaming sponsored Chad's Supply Crate. 7th Cavalry Gaming is a Military Sim gaming Regiment that hosts Arma 3, Squad, Post-Scriptum and other games. Fans of MilSims can join them on their website.
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The Block Blast game offers a relaxing experience while still providing a satisfying challenge