Clifford requested a Supply Crate for his unit of National Guardsmen who were deployed out and suggested gaming as a way to pass time.
Unit is a Ohio National Guard Unit Deployed at the beginning of 2024 I'm support of USCENTCOM- OIR. We are a TIN-E company with a large focus on establishing strong connections to base defense systems across the CENTCOM area. Currently my team consist of 5 soldiers who are big advocates of gaming and this would help pass for any down time we have. The requestee, is also a Law enforcement officer back home and has been on the force for over 7 years. Currently serving as an investigator for crimes against children and has been in this capacity for 3 years. A supply crate would be greatly appreciated by members of this team during our deployment. Thank you all for what you do.

Sounds like not only could Clifford's unit use the boost, but Clifford himself after dealing with the kind of work he does when he's not serving in the National Guard. We sent him a Supply Crate so he and his unit can get gaming.

Stack Up Team,
I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude to you and your organization for the incredible donation of an Xbox Series X and headset through your Supply Crate program. Your generosity has made a significant impact on our team, and I cannot thank you enough.
Being deployed comes with its own set of challenges, and having something like this to look forward to at the end of a long day is a true morale booster. The Xbox will allow our soldiers to unwind, connect with each other, and decompress after the rigorous demands of our work. It’s these moments of relaxation and camaraderie that help keep spirits high, and your contribution has made that possible for us.
Please know that your efforts in supporting deployed soldiers are truly appreciated. You have made a difference in our lives, and for that, we are sincerely grateful.
Thank you once again for your support and generosity. See attached for photos.
Hey, we appreciate the appreciation but we especially take pride in serving those who have served.

Stack Up Stream Team member SpairTyme sponsored Clifford's Supply Crate. SpairTyme volunteers some of his time streaming on the Stack Up Twitch channel and for that, we are thankful and happy to have him on the team. Check out SpairTyme on his own channel on Twitch.
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