We initially started doing Supply Crates to send out to deployed Military to help with morale for some of our units overseas. Especially those that can't access a store to buy a console. We realized that Veterans back home could use gaming care packages for their mental health as well. Especially when they've been disabled by their service. Damien requested a Supply Crate for his own morale:
I’m 100% disabled and can’t stand for long periods of time. If supply crate granted me the request my quality of life would improved 1000%.
We know from our own experiences how being able to escape into another world provided through gaming can really help, so we had no problem providing Damien with a console.

Sorry it took so long! Still setting up the new house.
Good luck with the new home, Damien.

CaptainRichard sponsored Damien's Supply Crate. If you click on the tag with CaptainRichard's name on it at the bottom of this page, you can check out another Supply Crate he has sponsored. Check out CaptainRichard on Twitch!
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