What is the best way to stay in touch with friends after Military service? In our opinion, it's gaming, whether that's video or tabletop. Dan, a disabled Veteran, requested a Supply Crate to do that very thing:

I am a 100% disabled Veteran Who served in 2 conflicts; Operation Just Cause in Panama and Desert Shield/Desert Storm. I was Stationed in Myrtle Beach AFB SC, King Fuad International Airport KSA, Tinker AFB OK, Prince Sultan AB KSA, and Pope AFB. I play with a group of Veterans and Active-Duty personnel on Seymour Johnson AFB who play boardgames and RPGs every Friday and Saturday. It is a chance for us to interact and mentor. I also play DND with my children. It is a great time for us to interact about our week. I also have PTSD so the time I spend with my peers and family relaxes me.
Looks like Dan is a gamer through and through. So, of course, we had to make sure to get him something nice.

Thanks Stormbreaker and Stack up for making my week! Theses will be used at the Seymour Johnson AFB Role playing/board game club Friday night and Saturday meetings. I will get you some more pictures with the club in August.
Thanks for reaching out to us, Dan. We're glad we could help!

As Dan mentioned, StormBreaker sponsored this Supply Crate. Thanks to StormBreaker, Dan and friends are going to get plenty of fun out of some tabletop games. Check out his Twitch channel.
Want to be like StormBreaker and help us send more crates like this to Veterans and Active Military personnel? Hit the button below and get a fundraiser going before the year is up!