We're wrapping up September with yet another Supply Crate report ready to go. We're glad to have you here with us as we continue our mission of sending gaming care packages to Veterans and Active Duty Military overseas. This crate went out to Derek, an Air Force CGO, and his squadron. Derek's request went as follows:
I am one of the CGOs in my squadron that are trying to boost morale. We are currently on our 3rd deployment in 4 years with more than half of the people being a part of at least 2 of them. We run 24-hour operations while deployed so we always have people around the clock either working or destress from our high ops tempo. We have created a small lounge for us to spend our time and were looking to stock it with some video games for us, as well as for future squadrons that deploy to this location.
Thanks for reaching out to us, Derek! Let's get that lounge beefed up with some video games and a console for you and your squadron, shall we? After putting together a Supply Crate, we sent it out to Derek and his squadron. They sent us the following reply once they received it:
Thank you all for your donation. All the guys and girls in the squadron are going to appreciate this for sure! It will be put to good use for our squadron and the fighter squadrons to follow.
We're glad the Supply Crate got out to Derek and his squadron, and we hope it'll bring them plenty of fun for days to come. The sponsor of this Supply Crate was StoneMountain64. If you click his name, you'll find his Facebook Gaming page. Be sure to check him out.
September is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. As we bring this month to a close and you find yourself wondering, "How can I help Veterans and Active Duty Service Members and their mental health?" We invite you to hit the red button below and browse our How to Help page for all the ways you can get involved with Stack Up.