Army Veterans Dustin and his wife requested a Supply Crate because their kids have been enjoying gaming at church and they haven't been able to get a new console for them to enjoy at home.
My wife and I are both veterans. We met just weeks before our MP unit deployed to Afghanistan in 2012. Since coming home we were married in 2014 and had our first child, Stella(8), in 2016. Since then we’ve added Aria(6), and Gavin(4). Our journey together has had various ups and down. We’ve utilized our local Vet Centers for both individual and couples counseling in isolated as well as group settings. We’ve both undergone EMDR treatments in order to assist with PTSD/depression/anxiety. We’ve had the ability to get our kids involved in church which has been great for everyone. Occasionally they’ll have access to a game room where the olders were introduced to the Nintendo Switch. They’ve all routinely told us how amazing it is as well as asking when we’d have one at home.
Video games make for pretty great family time. Especially a Nintendo Switch. Families can play a variety of fun multiplayer games perfect for any age. We hope that with this console, Dustin, his wife and his kids can all have a great time together and take their minds off of the struggles with their mental health and just have fun.

I can't thank you enough! Not pictured are the gappy kiddos. My 5 year old just started shouting, "we got Mario kart!"
Thank you so much!
May you have many hours of Mario Kart and more in the future, Dustin.

Longtime Stack Up supported Tattooed_Freak sponsored Dustin's Supply Crate. Tattooed_Freak has sponsored many Supply Crates so if you'd like to see more, hit the tag with this name below. He's also a Veteran who understands just how much gaming can support a Veteran's mental health. Check him out on Twitch.
We know things may not feel awesome right now, despite all of that, we keep our eyes on the mission: Supporting Veteran mental health through the power of gaming. Want to help us out with that mission? Hit the button below to learn more about how you can help.
The recipients are often nominated by others or apply themselves, and the program is supported by donations from individuals and gaming communities. If you’re interested in learning more about different ways to support initiatives or discover new opportunities, 1Win Login Nigeria 2025 Find answers—you never know what exciting possibilities you might come across!