Army Veteran Edward requested a Supply Crate because gaming has often helped him keep away from other coping habits that may not be as healthy:
I joined the Army in 1998 as a tank crewmember. I never thought I would go to combat during my time in the Army. Of course, 9-11 changed all that. I found myself in Iraq in 2004 and spent a majority of it outside of the FOB. I experienced firefights, snipers, IEDs, VBEDS, and saw numerous atrocities. I always thought I could handle that stuff without any help. When I was medically discharged in 2008, not only did I have physical scars but mental scars as well. I spent a year trying to drink those scars away. It wasn't until my daughter told me I had changed. She wanted me to get help because I was not the father I was before my deployments. It took many therapies and help from the VA, Wounded Warriors Project, and finally Operation Freedom Paws. I still have bad days but my service dog Blue keeps me in line. I'm glad for all the help I have received and will continue to improve myself. I have always loved video games and I use it to keep me from doing drugs or drinking. Unfortunately, gaming machines like XBOX or Play Station are too expensive for me now. I had my xbox for about 5 years now and it is starting to act up.
The latest consoles are expensive, and many cannot justify the cost of buying them. This puts a great coping tool just out of reach for some of our Veterans. Which is why Stack Up is here.
Thank you Stack UP! I really appreciate what the donors has done for me. I love my new XBOX. I look forward to gaming with my veteran buddies.
Edward Zirkle
Enjoy, Edward. We hope you get plenty of gaming on with friends.

Longtime Stack Up supporter, AlynntheYellowEyed sponsored Edward's Supply Crate. Thanks to him and his community for pulling together the funds to help Stack Up get an Xbox Series X and games to Edward. You can check out AlynntheYellowEyed on Twitch.
The end of the year is closing in! We're still shooting for our $600k goal. Otherwise, we may have to cut back a tiny bit on some of our programs, which is something we would very much like to avoid. Help us by donating or sharing our DonorDrive page with everyone you know.