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Supply Crate – Elijah

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

Today's Supply Crate update comes from an Airman by the name of Elijah, who was nominated by his significant other for a gaming console. She noticed that he is always gravitating to the gaming section whenever they go shopping:

(I am nominating my airman and those serving with him during this deployment). My airman has a passion for gaming. Every time we go to the store, we somehow always end up in the gaming department. Unfortunately, due to his unwavering support on my journey through law school, the funding for his gaming has been put on the back burner. He has given up so much not only for his family, but his country.

We like seeing others appreciate the sacrifices our Active Duty Military members make for them. Of course, we had to fulfill this request so that we could show Elijah our appreciation as well.

I didn’t have enough hands to hold up the thank you sign but it had virge753 on it thank you guys and gals some much this will definitely make time go by a lot quicker over here in the Middle East again thank you guys and gals so much

Thanks, Elijah. We'll keep the mission marching on here.

Virge753 sponsored Elijah's Supply Crate. Seeing streamers and their communities come together to fundraise for a Supply Crate keeps us going. Check out Virge753 on Twitch.

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