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Supply Crate – Evan

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

21 Fireman line up outside of tent. Two men hold up a red banner that says "Fire Department".
Let's fire this Supply Crate report up.

Howdy, everyone. We hope your weekend was full of gaming. We're here now with your Stack Up Supply Crate update to get your week started on the right foot. Today's report is on a Supply Crate requested by Evan to support the MWR programs at his station. As he told us:

We are a small site in Niger with out much due to newness of the site. Mail takes 1 to 2 months and the WIFI is poor. Looking for any support to build up our MWR programs.

120  soldiers stand in formation in 18 columns of 7 near an air strip. They're well organized.
Great formation there.

So, of course, we sent out a Supply Crate at Evan's request, but then he told us that the MWR at his station could not accept the gaming equipment. However, he found another unit that could take it, as he told us in the following reply:

Thank you so much for your generosity. I signed up not knowing what to expect and yesterday noticed I had a huge crate. My goal was to give it to our morale and welfare section but sadly they are unable to take donations like this since they provide some services to the base that make them a tiny profit to use on more morale. So my second option was to find a large group that works long hours, it was easy to pick our Fire Dept who have very long shifts and often time need something to help wind down. I was told that their second station did not have any gaming equipment so we marked it so it stays here for future rotations. Thank you so much for setting up this charity, you are doing amazing work!
I did a bit of research to find the team of streamers that did this! I am not much of a twitch user but please from the bottom of my heart thank everyone that was involved in the stream. I saw that you did one in Oct and raised $1,500 for this charity. That is an amazing and selfless use of your talents! We really appreciate it! I will let the fire chief know your teams email to hopefully generate some more thank you emails.

The Supply Crate contains an Xbox One S, controllers, headset, and 9 Xbox One games. There are two Stack Up t-shirts and a sign that says, "Thank you, QTp2T."
Thanks Team QTp2T

Thank you for giving the Supply Crate to the Fire Department, Evan. That's great thinking. They're sure to use it between being on duty and putting out fires wherever they may be.

As for Team QTp2T, they're a team of dance, karaoke, and cover song streamers who worked together to raise funds for this Supply Crate during last year's Call to Arms. Be sure to check them out.

Looking to get involved with a team of your own? Get started on registering a Team Donor Drive, or hit this big red button below to navigate to our 'How to Help' page.

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