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supply crate hasty ambush

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

It’s time to check in with another amazing Supply Crate Shipment! Recently William reached out to us asking for some games and entertainment for a remote base in Eastern Afghanistan. Check out his request below!


My name is William; I am an attack helicopter pilot as well my units supply officer assigned to C TRP 3-17 stationed at Hunter Army Airfield. Myself along with 20 other pilots and maintainers are currently deployed to a remote base in Eastern Afghanistan. While this base has all the necessary needs, it does lack an MWR building.

Supply Crate

I am writing to you to see if there is anything you can donate to help outfit the unit MWR we are currently constructing. You can rest assured knowing anything that we receive I will ensure remains unit property and will not go home with one or two individuals at the completion of this deployment.

In return, I would like to send you an American Flag that I will personally fly over Eastern Afghanistan with a personalized certificate of appreciation.


We, of course, went to work putting together the best crate we could for William and his crew. The request specified a desire for an Xbox and some military-themed games.

That made it easy for us, and we stuffed a package full of Call of Duties and other shooters along with an Xbox One. When everything was ready, it was off to the Post Office for the long journey overseas.

Supply Crate

William and the crew were excited to receive the Supply Crate and took a few moments to snap some pics and write up a thank you.


The soldiers of C Trp 3-17 CAV in **********, Afghanistan, THANK YOU! The crate was well received. It got to us intact. We look forward to trying to link some consoles together for some fierce head to head action.

Supply Crate

What you do for troops is incredible. We loved everything! We cannot wait to try all those games out. We were shocked to see the note inside the lid saying that we haven’t received everything? We cannot imagine what else you could possibly send.

Expect an American Flag that we will fly for you in the mail along with a certificate of appreciation! Once again thank you from everyone here with Crazyhorse Troop!

Supply Crate

More pics to come once we get it all hooked up and updates installed. These pictures are some of the night shift pilots. The aircraft in the background is our “old lady” with well over 10,000 flight hours.


Thank you, William and the soldiers of C Trp 3-17 CAV for all that you do for all of us back home! Be safe out there, and we here at Stack-Up hope you enjoy the games and that they provide some much-needed R&R!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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