We have another great Supply Crate deployment to check in on. This one comes to us from Nicholas who is in the Army. Keep reading to check out the full request!

I have been on a few overseas deployments before and I know how long it can be to have nothing to do on your time off so I am trying to help my fellow soldiers that can not afford to pay for stuff to bypass the time and to help to stay social with fellow buddies.

This is the classic reason of why Stack Up exists, to help the troops with gaming during their downtime overseas. From the stories of our own CEO, we know all too well how gaming can help make deployment just a little bit easier with a small taste of home.
We were only too happy to answer Nicholas’s request and went to work packing a crate full of gaming gear to be sent downrange. Of course, we are able to do this thanks to the support of amazing streamers like HeyShadyLady who answered our Call To Arms in 2017!
When the Supply Crate arrived at its destination, Nicholas took the time to send us back some words of thanks and of course some awesome photos!

Thank you for the supply crate I am glad to see that there are still good people out there that love to help others.
-Thank you.

Thank You, Nicholas, for your service and we hope the games go a long way to making your deployment just a bit easier.
If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:
