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Writer: Stack UpStack Up

Today we check in with a special kind of Supply Crate request. Not all of our Crates are shipped downrange or overseas. Sometimes we get a request from a trooper who just needs their spirits lifted a bit back at home. Read on to check out this latest request we received from Dane who is medically retired from the Army.


I don’t have a group. I don’t know if I qualify for this. My name is Dane Martin I am 100% service connected disabled war vet. just finished having my 4th spinal surgery and 18th overall in Jan 2016 and still recovering and it’s a little lonely at home and it would help me pass the time along to get to do some things.

I don’t know if I qualify because I’m not in a hospital or currently deployed. I just thought it would be worth a shot to help establish some morale as I live at least an hour from everything. Thanks have a good day.



You more than qualify Dane! We are always glad to help out a veteran who finds themselves struggling a bit. We know all too well how a bit of gaming can help boost the spirits when everything seems to be going wrong.

We put together a Crate for Dane containing an Xbox One, Games and more to help boost his morale. When Dane received his crate he sent us back an awesome thank you along with some amazing pictures!


Thank all of you who made this possible, made my Christmas but most of all made my year.

Living alone in the country going through a really bad divorce this has turned things around for me. Stack-up is truly a thoughtful organization, designed to bring happiness to us vets who have an extremely hard time finding happiness anywhere in there life. All of you donors your support and donations do not go unthanked.

To all of your donors, their support and donations do not go unthanked.



Thank you Dane for that amazing smile! We hope the games go a long way to lifting your spirits throughout the year!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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