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Supply Crate – Hundred Heroes #2

We are continuing to hear back from our Hundred Heroes Supply Crate recipients!

This one comes to us from Anthony who is in the Army. Keep reading to check out the full request below:

I just hit 10 years of active duty service this past Sunday (18NOV18). I am currently working on JBSA-Fort Sam Houston where I was at the AMEDD NCO Academy and now at METC HQ in the standards and evaluation department. I recently been through 2 erroneous flagging issues and managed to graduate SLC as the DHG while simultaneously taking two college courses. This all occurred within the same month.
I do numerous volunteer opportunities outside my organization such as a mentor for TAPS events and for the International Military Student Program where I sponsor various countries who come here to train as a Combat Medic to name a few.
My youngest (3 year old boy) out of three children was recently diagnosed with level III sever autism and takes my wife’s full attention during the day as she cannot work due to his extensive 5 days a week therapies. He is learning and accomplishing goals but one special moment was when he was willing and able to hold a console controller to just be a part of the family rather than watching.
The way we bonded as a family was playing on the Xbox, which recently malfunctioned and no longer works. Due to having a single income, we cannot afford to replace the special gem that brought everyone together, even my son with autism, and play video games with each other, taking advantage of the little time we do have together at the end of the day. My oldest is 9 (boy) with the middle one 5 (girl). This is a perfect opportunity to gift to my family who is missing that special bonding time that we all cherish.
Sure, I believe I’m a good candidate but I truly believe that my family is the better and more deserving potential recipients of this awesome giveaway. This gift is for them and the bonus is all of us is having more family bonding time. With Christmas right around the corner, This supply crate would add excitement and love for the things the whole family loves to do – game on! This gift would also add special memories and encourage more milestones to be complete in relation to my sons cognitive and fine motor issues. I thank you and all the sponsor for this opportunity and I wish all of you the best of luck! Again, thank you!

We were all too happy to include Anthony and his family for one of our Hundred Heroes Supply Crates! When Anthony received the crate he sent back some words of thanks along with an amazing picture of his beautiful family!

This is all so surreal and awesome! I cannot believe I was chosen. Thank you so much! I will adhere to the expiration and plug the code in. My family will be so excited! Again, thank you!

Thank you, Anthony, for all of your dedication and service these past ten years. We hope the games go along way to your family bonding.

We also want to say a special thank you to JayCGee and their community for answering the Call to Arms and helping out with this Supply Crate!

If you’d like to make a donation that gets sent over to our troops as a Supply Crate, Stack-Up takes lightly used PS4, and Xbox One games and gear as well as cash donations. Please help us help these vets out here:

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