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Supply Crate – Ivan

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

U.S. Coast Guard Veteran Ivan requested a Supply Crate to help his family relax after his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Originally, I wanted to submit for the supply Crate to help me get into a social veteran peer community. Since I separated from the service, I've struggled with finding a space where I belong & can decompress. However, my reason now is mainly for my wife & our families. Shortly after getting married earlier this year, my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. A supply crate would impact us tremendously by helping to keep our families, myself & my wife in good spirits when we have the time to be together. Sometimes, it feels as though nothing else matters right now but fighting the cancer and being together, but in reality the rest of the world has not stopped or given us much of a break to reset. Life was already pretty full from just being normal young adult couple, with this on top, it takes a mental toll. For us to have an outlet to play together helps bring us back to the present moment, and joy into a time of hardship.

We're sorry to hear about Ivan's wife. Cancer and other physical health problems can really take a toll on Veterans and their families. While a game console can't fix that, we know how much it can make a difference in coping with it. We hope that by sending a console to Ivan, he and his family will enjoy it as often as possible while getting their mind off the struggles.

Thank you so much for choosing our Family for this donation. We are very greatlful for the Nintendo, the Card Games, & the future Family disputes!
We hope everyone has had a great Christmas & a Happy New Year! 🎊

We did, indeed have a great Christmas and New Year, Ivan.

xLuckyJx sponsored Ivan's Supply Crate. xLuckyJx plays Escape from Tarkov, so if you're a fan of Tarkov content, check him out on Twitch. Thanks to xLuckyJx and your community for supporting Stack Up.

We recently held a fundraising giveaway in celebration of International Day of Awesomeness. We have plenty more giveaways we'll be holding throughout 2025 for fundraising and donating to Stack Up, so get involved by signing up for a Tiltify fundraising page.


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