Today's Supply Crate update comes from Jabe, a double-branch Military Veteran who thought he might be too old to get a Supply Crate:
I am a 2 branch Veteran of both the Navy and Army. I have served internationally and fought internationally. Downrange after our days/nights of stimulating scenarios. It be a ritual for some of us that weren't gym rats to hit the gaming scene to unwind. Often times it confounded us why we loved Call of Duty so much when some times we found ourselves in realtime conflicts ( I think its because you can respawn after being killed LOL). Well, now I am a veteran with less of my battle buddies still around and some things still like to revisit me. Playing video games is the one thing that allows me to escape even for a little while (been playing video games since Atari, Colecovision, and Nintendo). It's what I know and is my Woo-Sah. I'm not sure if I even qualify for this because I'm old school (52 years young) but it would definitely be a plus. Thank you for your audience in this matter and if I don't qualify...I applaud what you all are doing so Bravo Zulu!
Listen. Gaming is for everybody. From the 2-year-olds asking if you "got games on your phone?" to the old folks playing in the nursing home. In that regard, for our Veterans, the more we can spread gaming as a source of comfort across generations, the better. You are never too old to seek gaming as a hobby, an escape, a coping mechanism for life.

Truly a great moment receiving this crate from StackUp! Looking forward to making great memories with Battles and Fam. Definitely paying it forward by spreading the word about this fantastic organization!
Bravo Zulu!
Jabe (Doc Mo'Better)Thompson
USN (8404) & USA (91D)
Bravo Zule, Jabe! Game on.

Today's update was sponsored by Milesg170. If you don't know Milesg170, check out his Twitch channel.
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