Welcome! Welcome to yet another of our Supply Crate updates. Here you can check out the recipients of a gaming care package from Stack Up that went out to a unit or Veteran that requested one. Today's update involves Joey and his unit deployed overseas.

Our unit is currently on deployment in the 5th Fleet AOR and operates out of three sites. We support US assets and allies with intel, aerial surveillance, and ASW readiness. For a lot of us this is either our first deployment or first time operating out of Djibouti, Africa. Your supply crate would really benefit morale here simply because mail is exciting (not a joke). More than that though it would be nice to set up local tournaments or ad-hoc play for video games, especially since online service is expensive (~$300/month) and of poor quality (avg ping: ~200ms). This would be really cool for team-building.
Mail really is exciting when you're in the military, so honestly, if you know a friend who is deployed, be sure to send them a letter now and then. It's great that we get to send these Supply Crates out because service members like Joey and his unit will get to enjoy it.

Aug 3rd: Just wanted to touch basis, the supply crate still has not made here to Djibouti. I think it was delivered to Bahrain first (this happens a lot) and is making its way over.
Aug 4th: I spoke too soon...it came in yesterday

No worries, Joey, we know it can get a little worrisome when the package doesn't show up when said because things get lost so easily. Especially with international mail. But, here at Stack Up, we do our best to ensure these Supply Crates get out to who they're supposed to reach. Game on.
Unoraptormon sponsored Joey and his unit's Supply Crate. Catch her on her twitch channel here.
Not sure how to get involved with Stack Up outside of fundraising for Supply Crates like this one? You can learn about all of our opportunities for getting involved with a great community of gamer volunteers by hitting the big red button below.