More Supply Crate updates? We never run out of them here. We sometimes do when replies dry up, and we don't get pictures back. Lately, we've been getting replies and pictures back for most of the Supply Crates we send out. It's been fantastic to see because we also get to know the folks we help out with our gaming care packages.
That said, let's get to it. Today's Supply Crate update is from Jonathan, a National Guardsman whose unit has deployed. When requesting his crate, he told us the following:

We're a platoon deployed from a national guard unit. We have a lot of young soldiers and a lot of first time deployed soldiers. We are on a small COP a few hours from base with very limited resources. A lot of the younger guys enjoy gaming and seem to use that as their outlet when off shift. We currently have 2 older consoles that work ok. If you folks are able to hook us up, great! If not we completely understand with the economy and other troops that could use it more. We thank you for your time and consideration. Stay safe and healthy!
Jonathan was recommended to apply for a Supply Crate by Funker. We want to note this because folks like Funker and you tell other people about our Supply Crates program who help us get the word out and reach Veterans and Active Duty service members such as Jonathan. We need the word out as much as possible.
After receiving their crate, Jonathan and his unit sent us some pictures and the following reply:

Good evening (our time)
Thank you so much for the care package! The guys and I are so excited to start playing! We are honestly speechless! I honestly have no words other than thank you so much for what you folks and your donors are doing for us.
Sgt Jonathan Garrant
And the guys from 572nd Alpha Co

Game on 572nd Alpha Co. Game on.
Today's crate was sponsored by Kruzadar. Thanks, Kruzadar, for answering the Call to Arms!
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