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Supply Crate – Jordan

Writer: Stack UpStack Up

Jordan requested a Supply Crate so that he could play games with his old Active Duty friends who all have PlayStations.

I’ve had an interesting career to say the least. I was active duty for 3 years as an infantryman and then switched to the CA national guard to change my MOS. I had a lot of anger issues going into the military and have used fighting (MMA and other martial arts) as well as gaming to be an outlet from my everyday stressors. I stepped away from fighting because I don’t want to start accruing major injuries. A lot of my friends from active duty are on PSN and getting a PS4 would give me the ability to play with my friends online.

A PlayStation 4 is fine and well, but we can get our hands on PlayStation 5s pretty regularly now. We sent Jordan a Supply Crate with a brand new PS5 to get him hooked back up with his old friends.

Thank you

Much welcome, Jordan!

Tokki sponsored Jordan's Supply Crate. Tokki has been a fantastic longtime supporter of Stack Up, and we can never fully convey how much we appreciate all she and her community have done to support us. Thanks again, and you can check out Tokki on Twitch.

We're going to keep reminding any of you interested in fundraising about our Elgato gear giveaways happening in May. 5 sets of gear will go to either fundraisers who have raised the most in our Stack Up SuperWeekends or on select weekends, those who raise just $50 will be put into a raffle. Want a chance at winning? You'll need to fundraise through a DonorDrive link. Hit the button below to sign up!


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