Did you know if you were in a unit that benefitted from a Supply Crate, once you're a Veteran, you can apply for a Supply Crate if you need it?
That's what Josh did:
They there, You guys actually helped me out awhile ago by providing my unit with a bunch of gear. Which by the way was very helpful in more ways then you will ever know. Since then I was medically retired due to injuries sustained in combat. So my request I guess would be a selfish one. My boys still use they gear you sent out and a few of my old dudes play online together. Since getting out over the years I have tried to stay in contact with my guys. We use to play a lot of games online together. They unit and most of the guys have upgraded beyond what I currently have (Xbox 360) lol. So I am requesting for myself. I understand there are a lots of people your company helps and supports. I would really appreciate an Xbox series X or S. Thank you again for all that you have done and continue to do.

We do indeed receive hundreds of requests. We were happy to help Josh out once we could because we understand the need to continue gaming with our old Military pals.
Thank you so very much. This will be loved and used a lot. I can’t even believe it. Thank you thank you thank you.
Josh Jordan
Have fun, Josh!

MrsP sponsored Josh's, Supply Crate. We've linked her channel here so that you can go check her stream out.
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