Good morning everyone, your Monday Supply Crate Report is ready to go. The request for this one came from Joshua, a veteran who was in an accident who turned to video games to keep his mind off of things. Joshua didn't think he qualified for a Supply Crate, but we'll let him tell you about himself below:
I dont think I even qualify. I dont even have that great of a story to tell. I was on the LHD-1 wasp when I messed up my knee and back from there I went to HSC-2. I was med discharged July 2008. Then August 2009 I was on my way to work and I was ran off the road by an drunk driver and left for dead because he didn't stop. I laid on the side of the road. With my jeep on top of me for 2 1/2 hrs before anyone stopped to help me. I shattered my left femar, broke my nose and cheekbone, I had to have part of my nose and eyelid sewed back on, I had 52 skull fractures and bleeding and swelling of the brain. Since the wreck I have not been the same mentally or physically. For the most part video games is the only thing I do to help me keep mind off things. Video games has really been a big part of my life over the last 11 yrs. Well until my last system quit working back in February. Anyways thank you for considering me and I completely understand if I do not qualify. Keep up the good work and thanks for all that you guys do to help vets.

We're glad you got through that, Joshua. You are a trooper and definitely deserve a Supply Crate. Especially since your last console died, we can't leave Joshua hanging without a new one. Joshua sent us the following reply to receiving his crate:
I wanted to thank yall so much. You helped make this Christmas one of the best that I ever had. I was definitely not expecting this at all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

What a great-looking Christmas tree and an equally as good-looking PlayStation console. We hope Joshua had a fantastic holiday and that he gets as many hours playing as he can.
Thanks, JohnoStreams, for supporting Joshua with this Supply Crate. These Supply Crates that streamers like JohnoStreams raise funds for make a difference to veterans like Joshua. If you want to answer the Call to Arms and help out veterans like Joshua and get involved, you can learn how by clicking on the big red button below.