Retired Army Veteran Joshua requested a Supply Crate to help him connect with other Vets.
Retired 20 year active duty US Army Combat Infantryman with multiple deployments overseas; rated 100% P&T with the Veterans Affairs, 70% for PTSD alone. I feel that connecting with fellow Veterans would help me stay connected. After leaving the military in 2019 I felt like I lost that bound I had while I was still serving.
Hey, and Stack Up is just the place to come for that! We also have a Discord where people can hang out and game while connecting with other Veterans and supportive civilians. If you are ever interested in joining our Discord, hit our invite link.
Yes, I did receive the care packages. Thank you again so much for getting me this system. I have been able to connect with fellow Veterans I served with many many years ago.
You are very welcome, Joshua!

Aldebarr sponsored Joshua's Supply Crate. Aldebarr is an Army Veteran who plays games like Minecraft and loves to cook. Watch him on his Twitch channel.
Memorial Day is coming! Which means our spring push for the Call to Arms is on. Get signed up to fundraise to help us keep our funding high enough that we can do our programs with ease. Fundraising even a few dollars helps us keep our programs running. Hit the button below to get started.