Great Call to Arms run, everyone! Check out where we are at in meeting our overall fundraising goal on DonorDrive.
Today's Supply Crate update comes to us from recipient Justice, who is in the U.S. Navy! Deployments in the Navy vary from months on a ship or submarine, being sent over to a forward operating base with Marines, or however else Navy command sees fit. As Justice told us in his request, this deployment has been a long one:
I’m signing up for this so I am able to have something to relieve stress and help with morale at command functions when I bring the said console over for everyone to play with! If I do receive one! It has definitely been a long and dragging deployment and this would deployment assist with getting me home sane

We would definitely like to see more Sailors like Justice applying for Supply Crates. Maybe his fellow sailors will see his console and reach out? We hope so.
Justice received his crate and told us the following:
I just wanted to show my appreciation for the absolute blessing of a man, Torkie! I’ve subscribed to his twitch and will be looking forward to seeing his streams!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU you genuinely have no idea how much this means to me and I couldn’t be more grateful.
God bless you and your family and all your loved ones and the Stack Up Team and everyone involved!!!

Thank you, Justice, for the kind words!
As Justice mentioned, his Supply Crate was sponsored by Torkie, who can often be found playing Escape from Tarkov. Check him out on his channel.
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