It's Memorial Day! If you've been paying attention to our socials, you've probably noticed all of the fundraisers going on. If you have time, drop in and check a few of them out, say something nice, and follow some folks.
Today's Supply Crate update came from Liza, a Navy Veteran who has PTSD. She told us in her request:
I, like many of my brothers and sisters, suffer from PTSD. I have been struggling for years and losing some of those brothers and sisters to suicide has only made it that much harder. I have had multiple suicide attempts in the past with the most recent attempt putting myself on the brink of a coma. Therapy hasn’t helped, it only pisses the crap out of me. Medication prescribed by my psychiatrist has helped in managing my mood slightly. My sister in law is currently in town and informed me of this organization and how great it is and helpful it’s been for her mental health. She does not know of my struggles but I know about hers as she is very vocal. Anyway, this got me thinking that it wouldn’t hurt to sign up, share a little about myself and hell maybe it could be therapeutic for me.
While we don't claim that video games don't solve everything, they can make a good aid for any other mental health treatments people are using. We think of gaming as a supplement to good mental health, great for enjoying in our downtime, taking out frustration, and processing the day or flat out escaping.
We sent a console and games out to Liza, and she sent us a reply:

Thank you!

Short, sweet, and to the point. Thanks, Liza!
Liza's Supply Crate was sponsored by Eurymachus. Be sure to thank him for participating in last year's Call to Arms if you have a chance to check out his channel.
This big red button will always be included in our Supply Crate updates because we're always looking for new volunteers to help us with our mission of serving our troops through the power of gaming.