Hey there and welcome to another report from our Supply Crate program. Today we would love to share with you another story about a crate that was sent to an amazing Air Force medic named Melissa. Melissa is 26 and served her first deployment away from her 3-year-old daughter. Here is what she told us:

This is the first time I have been away from my daughter, and I’ll be missing birthdays and the holidays. I need some sort of routine to help time go by a little faster so I can head home to my family. I have been taking college course (I have about 8 classes left to again my bachelors) and studying for promotion. The Supply Crate would impact me by helping me keep my mind off of the negative thoughts and make time go faster.
We read you loud and clear Melissa. We know it is hard being away from the ones we love, so we are hear to support you in any way we can. Playing games is an amazing pastime and we think that is exactly what you need right now. Standby for your supply crate.

Thank you very much! You have made being away from my family during this deployment so much better! There are not enough words to express the amount of gratitude I currently have. Being away from my daughter, and having to miss birthdays and holidays has been rough. Receiving this gift was more than I can ever ask for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
You are most welcome Melissa we hope that time passes faster for you now so you can go see your little girl. Who knows, maybe you can even play some games with her during your deployment. We want to break that geographical distance for you two so you can spend more time together.
Stack Up wants to also send a special thanks to Chris Puckett for sponsoring this crate. You are Melissa’s hero and we are grateful for your donations. If you would like to help a veteran or active duty service member that you know, please take the link below and fill out an application so that we can get another awesome supply crate ready for them.