Greetings and welcome to another Supply Crate mission update, we hope that you are all staying safe and healthy. Even through this tough time, we are still keeping our mission to help veterans in need of mental health support. This time, the recipient of our crate was Master Sergeant Matthew, let’s hear what he had to say:
I have struggled with complex PTSD for 5 years. I have been hospitalized 5 times seeking help, and am on my way to a full recovery with the help of video games, Air Force wounded warriors and all the patient men and women who have helped me through the process.
We are glad to hear the good news soldier, let us help you celebrate by sending you some awesome gaming equipment.
Mathew was ecstatic when he received his crate:

Wow Dude! What a XBOX hook-up.
Thank you for your support…you took me back to when I did play games a lot but because of complex PTSD and Major depression, I just lost that part of me. With your gift, I feel I can deal with my illness much better. I can escape instead of saturate myself with anger, madness, and hopelessness.
I plan on giving the extra games out to friends who are in the wounded warriors program at Holloman AFB, NM.
What an admirable thing to do, we are so touched to see you willing to pay forward such good deeds. We hope that this crate helps you, and we can’t wait to play some games together, take care and play hard sergeant.
This supply crate was made possible by DadBodGaming, so thank you for your help you are truly a hero. You too can be a hero too by nominating a deserving veteran to receive a supply crate by clicking on the link below. every nomination helps us to meet our Supply Crate mission