When deployed, sometimes our servicemembers find themselves in areas where recreation is hard to access, whether it's a lack of local shops to purchase recreational goods such as gaming consoles or the nearest place to have fun is too far away. In today's Supply Crate update, Oswaldo tells us of his plight accessing recreational facilities.

Have been deployed 3 times to the Middle East (IRAQ and Saudi Arabia), been in the Army Reserve for the last 10 years. I'm a 31B (MP). My team and I have been in country for the last 45 days. The nearest USO or MWR is 2 hours away from our AO. It will be a major boost of morale to my team if you are kind enough to help. Thank you for your time.
Two hours away just to get some pizza and play pool or whichever other activities the USO or MWR provides? Well, we can fix that right up by sending out a console so that these troops can play games right at home.

On behalf of the Service Members currently assisting in operations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia we would like to thank Stack-Up for the crate they have provided. As you might not know, the closest USO and MWR to our unit is about 2 hours away, the items provided on the crate have helps our Service Members to create connections with their families and friends via gaming. This is something that I have never seen before. I come from a generation where family and friend connections were via calling card and a phone booth. Again, thank you STACK UP. You ROCK.
Ah, the phone booth. An ancient artifact. You and your fellow soldiers ROCK, Oswaldo.

The ever-coolly named LoadedWombat sponsored Oswaldo's Supply Crate. Thanks to LoadedWombat and community once again for supporting Stack Up! Be sure to give 'em a follow on Twitch.
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