It's unbelievable how many Supply Crate updates we are receiving as of late. Ian at the warehouse has been doing a great job reaching out to our recipients. We want to thank him for his work.
Today's update comes from Paul, a Veteran who has been struggling with his mental health:
Hey im a Veteran suffering from anxiety depression and ptsd that gaming saved my life and i stream on twitch looking to upgrade my console but since were takimg care of my mother in law with lupus all of my money goes to taking care of the house and paying bills and rent so havent been able to do anything to make up for the time ive lost streaming
Consoles are expensive. Especially newer consoles. It's why our Supply Crate program comes in handy we can help get something enjoyable to someone who might be focused on other costs. We sent Paul a PS5, and he sent us a message back:

Thank you so much for everything in it i absolutely love it was way more than i was ever expecting and im eternally greatful!!!!!
Have fun gaming, Paul! You deserve it.

Zelestia raised over $1k+ to sponsor Paul's, Supply Crate. Thank you to Zelestia and community for helping us make this happen. You can find her on Twitch here.
Want to help us get more PS5s out to Veterans like Paul? Donate or sign up to fundraise by clicking the button below.