We chose a short but sweet Supply Crate update for your Friday read. Today's update came from Army Veteran Rion, who has been struggling.
I'm a disabled veteran struggling with my kids.. Served 2 tours only to be discharge for medical reason at 10%
One great way to distract children? Video games. One great way to escape from all the pressures of parenting? Also, video games. Raising kids is not easy, and sometimes you need something to chill yourself or your children out.
thanks for all you guys do
Short but a good response. Sometimes all we need is to know the Supply Crate made it to its new home.
RainbowWaffles sponsored Rion's Supply Crate. RainbowWaffles recently streamed games such as Hyrule Warriors and Demonologist. If you're looking for a high-contrast variety streamer, check out her Twitch channel!
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