One of the hardest parts about life post-Military service, when you're dealing with mental and physical health problems caused by that service, is figuring out how to cope with it. In Rob's case, he's dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:
I am a disabled veteran who uses video games to cope with PTSD. I am an Iraqi War combat veteran. I suffer from PTSD, TBI, and have been recently dealing with COPD from burn pit exposure.
That's plenty to deal with, and we can understand Rob's need for gaming to cope. We sent him a gaming care package through our Supply Crates program, and he replied:
Thank you so much. I will definitely use this. Excited to join my friends tonight
We hope Rob and his friends all have a great time!
PhillyDaGawd sponsored Rob's Supply Crate. Check out PhillyDaGawd on Facebook Gaming.
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