Today's Supply Crate update came from Tomas, a Veteran who works with American Legion Post 141. He requested a Supply Crate because he wanted to spread the joy of gaming with his fellow Veterans.

As a Disabled Veteran myself I too feel "isolated", lonely, and depressed. Longing to belong a group that understands how I feel. I felt a true connection thru "gaming" with fellow Veterans and now I want to help others feel the same. I want to bring them out of their homes, rooms, apartments, and come together as brothers again.
We often work with other Veteran organizations out of a desire to spread the power of gaming in connecting Veterans through a shared medium. Tomas' efforts to continue that are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for making my day.
Thank you, Tomas, for reaching out.

Lydlbutton sponsored Tomas' Supply Crate. You can check out Lydlbutton on Twitch.
Every day we answer the Call to Arms to support our Veterans through gaming. You can too. Just hit the button below to get started by opening up a DonorDrive fundraiser.